Indeed Eme, I absolutely second that.Long time ago I wrote in "Wish" forum. I wish Anywhere Software to have a simple b4j app hosting service (on pay). I think that wish still make sense.
Interesting. It happens that I have a mail account on Hotmail. Does it mean that I have automatically access to azure ? How to activate it and where should I look for it ?
Seems to be free for at least 12 months, like the Amazon VPS offer.
Thanks alwaysbusy for your contribute (BTW, I use your ABMaterial and find it really impressive).I just bought a VPS from Contabo as @Alexander Stolte suggested. Just a small one for 4.99€/month + 1.99€/month for domain name (not obligatory!) to test some BANano apps, and I must say I am very pleased with what I see!
Setup by them was done under an hour (Ubuntu 18.04) with the free Webmin & LAMP control panel + new domain name.
Quite some freedom to do what you want in their Customer Control Panel and Webmin.
Had one problem with login in the Customer Control Panel. Had a clear answer from their helpdesk (mail) in about half an hour (I asked them to test it themselves). Turned out when copying the password from the mail I had an extra space at the end
Using KiTTY (I find it personally better than PuTTY) and WinCSP very easy to install java so it will work for jServer webapps too. Same for installing LetsEncrypt to generate SSL certificates.
Thanks!BTW, I use your ABMaterial and find it really impressive
If you want to make use of HTTP/2 in your jServer app, yes. For production I suggest you buy a certificate as with LetsEncrypt you have to renew it every 90 days. But it is good enough for tests.Do I need SSL certificates
Absolutely. As long as you have java installed on the VPS, you can run whatever you make in B4J. In my case I'm using java 9.0.4 on my windows machine and on the VPS server.the .jar obtained from within a B4J editor running on a windows O.S., is compatible with linux
Yes, LetsEncrypt needs to be able to access your www folder to temporary put some files (for verifying it is really you)is a domain mandatory in order to perform Https connections
Don't know, guess it would need to be something like this then: https://vmiXXXXXXX.contaboserver.netI think I could use the contabo domain for it
Remark: The connecton from outside to the VPS is easy, while the one required to connect to the device at home not (static IP, etc), but it is still doable.
I don't think so. You are not the admin/contact point for the contabo domain, so I don't think that will fly.I think I could use the contabo domain for it. Am I right ?
Hi sorex, this is indeed a good point. However, the Https Api used for a (LifX) bulb allows sending a command like "switch off yourself after x seconds" and that command will be "stored" in the bulb. That means, even if the wi-fi goes down, the bulb will switch itself off anyway. I can send such a command right after the one I use to switch on the bulb, so I can prevent - at least - an energy waste in case the wi-fi goes down after that command. I hope you get my drift.keep in mind that if you go for external access only and your internet connection goes down then you can go unscrew light bulbs or sit in the dark if they aren't on yet
you should think about what you really need first. How many times will you turn off a light while you're away?
why not take over a pc (Pi) at home with teamviewer/VNC and control it from there? just an idea.
now you'll waste more than that you will save on energy from controlling the light bulbs.
Hello Ferdari,Maybe this configuration should do what you want:
Get an Android Box, no matter if Android TV or Just Android, it will work as 24/7 home server.
Create an app that reads from a server your orders: and install on Android Box as server.
On Web Server put a php that retrieves a JSON or text with the bulbs status(on or off) it can be saved by your last command on MySQL.
Send commands to server worldwide from your phone (app or POST commands) like:, that commands will be saved to MySQL, and the app on Android Box then reads the content on server of bulbs and send the command locally over WiFi to the devices.
The app on Android Box can be programmed to read from server every lapse of seconds. or can create direct connection real time control.
Web Server: to save and send commands worldwide to the Android Box
Android Box: manages the commands on LAN and send to bulbs.
Phone app: for controlling the bulbs and other devices.
I don't know what API has the bulbs or how it receive the commands but this should work.