OK. Got that and I do have one class like this, clsTable for a ScrollView2d table., Very handy.
Here is an example of what I want to do next:
I have an Editor Activity which allows me to have an Editor class, clsEditor which was defined in the Editor Activity. I also want a second class that handles the database operations for the Editor Activity and can be accessed from the clsEditor class. So in this case I would have two classes:
actEditor The Editor form
clsEditor The class for Form actions
clsDBEditor The class for database operations specific to actEditor and clsEditor
Given the above how would I have both classes refer to each other. Would they communicate through actEditor? Would I use "Me" when initializing that so I could have each refer to the other and the Activity?
How would I go about this if you would have an example. I am close now, but I get an error indicating that the clsDBEditor wasn't initialized (the class that handles the database operations).