Wish A linux version of B4A and B4J


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As far as B4A is related , as a starting point I would be happy to produce the .bal files in windows. Then use something as visualstudio code (wich runs in all platforms) for the actual code of the apps. So if we could have a pluggin for VScode that supports B4A language and a command line for compilation, that would be a good way to start.. Then as a second stage, maybe a cross platform designer for producing the *.bal files.

I think the biggest problem will be debugging.

At the end of this process, we would have a cross platform product...and if B4A is already good...Then it would be a blast !!!

Just imagine the millions of developers that use VScode exposed to B4A..Our community would grow substantally I guess.

Currently b4A is the only reason I still use windows.


I agree that it would be great to be able to use B4A with Linux.
I use Slackware and I have a Windows VM just to run the B4A. Also works perfectly with my Android. However, if I had a way to work directly on Linux, it would be great.


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I used only Linux, since 1998, until I had to install virtualbox to have a Windows for B4A.
I would love for B4A to work on Linux. Although I also understand that it is very complicated, mainly the debugger.


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I have been using Mac OSX desktop machine for over a year now and only use windows 7 to develop the jar file.
I have now installed Linux Mint on my HP Laptop and will be using it as much as the Mac.
I see Linux as a better OS to work with than windows or Mac.

An Schi

Well-Known Member
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Well....i know it is in the nature of this thread that mainly linux users will post.
So i state that i am not against a cross-plattform IDE, but i for myself only use windows and i am not planning to change this.