B4J Question A Resumable case


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I want to wait for an event whch can be raised both by an user's choice (he should press one of two buttons, "OK" or "NO") or by a timer tick event (time out).

Is there a way to do it without needing to use a global variable?


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Licensed User
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I didn't study the code yet, but what about adding an option (e.g. Autocancel ) to a standard XUI Dialog where a timer closes it with the "dismiss" result (or a default one)?
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Licensed User
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I didn't study the code yet, but what about adding an option (e.g. Autocancel ) to a standard XUI Dialog where a timer closes it with the "dismiss" result (or a default one)?
First of all, thank you for your help, U.

A dialog or a "normal layout" is the same thing; I could do as you wrote but then I would not be able to know if the dialog was closed by the timeout or by the user action (that's why I asked ...
Is there a way to do it without needing to use a global variable?
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Licensed User
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I see..
Well, the "dismissed" return value could be a new one (in addition to POSITIVE, NEGATIVE..) so in that case you'll know that it was the timer to close the dialog.
As said, I didn't yet study the new XUI Dialogs so I can't be of further help on the specific subject, but you got the idea.
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B4X founder
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Your code is wrong. You cannot wait for a sub that doesn't return a ResumableSub.

You should do something like this:
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
   MainForm = Form1
   MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("layMain") 'Load the layout file.
   tmr.Initialize("tmr", 1000)
   Wait For TaskCompleted(Result As String)
   lblAnswer.Text = Result
End Sub

Sub Chosen_Click
   tmr.Enabled = False
   Dim btnSender As Button = Sender
   Dim Answer As String = btnSender.Tag
End Sub

Private Sub RaiseEvent(Answer As String)
   CallSubDelayed2(Me, "TaskCompleted", Answer)
End Sub

Private Sub tmr_Tick
   mCounter = mCounter + 1
   lblCount.Text = mCounter
   If mCounter = 5 Then
       tmr.Enabled = False
       RaiseEvent("Time out")
   End If
End Sub

I would have used B4XDialog instead.
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