So, Frappe, the team that did Frappe Charts, also have a Frappe Gantt chart. So I decided to test it out because it has a nice look and feel. Yes, its just a basic gantt chart but why not? Afterall I'm still working on a Project Management App and need all the eye candy I can get. So..
In BuildPage..
In ConnectPage
Trapping Events
The attached CSS one can customize and color code off course.
I see I will request some feature requests, e.g responsiveness to say the least.
So, Frappe, the team that did Frappe Charts, also have a Frappe Gantt chart. So I decided to test it out because it has a nice look and feel. Yes, its just a basic gantt chart but why not? Afterall I'm still working on a Project Management App and need all the eye candy I can get. So..
In BuildPage..
In ConnectPage
Dim mgcx As MashFrappeGantt
mgcx.ViewMode = mgcx.EnumView.Week
mgcx.AddTask("Task 0","Redesign website","2018-10-01", "2018-10-08",20,"")
mgcx.AddTask("Task 1", "Write new content","2018-10-03", "2018-10-06",5, "Task 0")
mgcx.AddTask("Task 2", "Apply new styles","2018-10-04","2018-10-08",10,"Task 1")
mgcx.AddTask("Task 3", "Review", "2018-10-08", "2018-10-09", 5, "Task 2")
mgcx.AddTask("Task 4", "Deploy", "2018-10-08", "2018-10-10",0, "Task 2")
mgcx.AddTask("Task 5", "Go Live!", "2018-10-11", "2018-10-11",0, "Task 4")
Trapping Events
'frappe gantt chart
Sub mgcx_click(value As Map)
Dim valuex As String = value.Get("value")
End Sub
Sub mgcx_datechange(value As Map)
Dim valuex As String = value.Get("value")
page.Msgbox("",valuex,"Date Change","OK",False,"","")
End Sub
Sub mgcx_progresschange(value As Map)
Dim valuex As String = value.Get("value")
page.Msgbox("",valuex,"Progress Change","OK",False,"","")
End Sub
Sub mgcx_viewchange(value As Map)
Dim valuex As String = value.Get("value")
page.Msgbox("",valuex,"View Change","OK",False,"","")
End Sub
The attached CSS one can customize and color code off course.
I see I will request some feature requests, e.g responsiveness to say the least.
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