B4J Question [ABMaterial] Combo is empty in modalsheet / Combo vacio en modalsheet


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Hola, buenas días, tengo un problema con un combo agregado en un modal sheet, lo declaro, inicio y agrego los items pero siempre queda vacío. Este es el codigo de como lo estoy declarando e inicializando. Que me falta por hacer?

Muchas gracias.

Hello, good morning, I have a problem with a combo added in a modal sheet, I declare it, initialize and add the items but it always remains empty. This is the code of how I am declaring and initializing it. What do I need to do?

Thank you so much.

'create combo
    Dim combo1 As ABMCombo
    combo1.Initialize(page, "combo1", "Comarca", 650, "")
    combo1.IconName = "mdi-action-account-circle"

'add items
    combo1.AddItem("combo1S1", "Mom", BuildSimpleItem("S1", "mdi-action-account-circle", "{NBSP}{NBSP}Mom"))
    combo1.AddItem("combo1S2", "Dad", BuildSimpleItem("S2", "mdi-action-account-circle", "{NBSP}{NBSP}Dad"))
    combo1.AddItem("combo1S3", "Brother", BuildSimpleItem("S3", "mdi-action-dashboard", "{NBSP}{NBSP}Brother"))
    combo1.AddItem("combo1S4", "Sister", BuildSimpleItem("S4", "mdi-action-dashboard", "{NBSP}{NBSP}Sister"))


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Longtime User
what happen when you click on the small triangle (right side of Comarca)?

What about using
combo1.SetActiveItemId( itemID )
to select one?
Thanks @DonManfred , in the screenshot the triangle is pressed, when pressed only the letters become smaller and nothing appears.
I'm not in the office right now In order to test it, I will try it throughout the morning and post the result.
Thanks again.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have tried with combo SetActiveItemId("combo1S2") and the item does appear selected, but when I click there is no list.
I have detected that if I modify the code in Debug mode and change the combo for an abmlist, when exchanging the code and reloading the page the items of the combo appear.

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