Hi Mindful,
If the question is 'will ABMaterial mimic the site I posted' then the answer can be short: no. ABMaterial may have started with Materialize CSS as a base, but since then it is writing its own story. (controls not found in other frameworks, like ABMAudioPlayer, ABMPivotTable, ABMPDFViewer in 1.08) That said, I'll try to get a grip on what its users want reading the wishes posted in the feedback app.
The long anwser:
1. Add something other than an image at the top of the sidebar ?! (see attached image)
Maybe one day. Although I find this myself a bit of an overkill
2. Hide the sidebar ?! (or collapse it)
No. The sidebar has its own mechanism when to show and when to hide (desktop: always show, tablet+phone: hide when needed). This is part of the responsive backbone and will not be changed.
3. Add something other than icons to the navigation bar (like label, images, badges, butons with icons and text ?)
Could be possible one day, but it is not really recommanded by Google (keep it simple)
4. Is there a control for a popup sidebar (on the right) ? I know this can be done using ABMCustomComponent but just wondering if there are any plans for this on future version ..
Not in the immediate future.
5. Can we add other controls over a parallax ? (buttons, labels, input ?)
Maybe, haven't checked out parallax myself that much
6. Can we add graphs or any other controls besides buttons to cards ? (see attached image)
At this point you have to be creative yourself and create your own 'card'. I've seen users of ABMaterial creating gorgeous cards for e.g. products. You'll start with an ABMContainer component and then the limits are only your creativity.
7. Is it possible to replace the scroll bar on the sidebar with a more nice looking one ? (see attached image)
This is a bit of a pickle. As for now, it should appear as the defaut one (looking on a PC as a PC scrollbar, on a tablet as a tablet scrollbar etc...)
8. Are there any other components from materializecss that are planned for future releases !? (Horizontal Action Button, Breadcumbs, Combo with multiple selects, Pushpin, Scrollspy, Diferent kind of collapsible lists, etc.)
ABMaterial is always growing with new components. If the ones you mention are coming soon is hard to tell. e.g. scrollspy and the collapsable lists are already build in.
P.S. if you want to add some wishes to the feedback app, mail me for a login (
alain.bailleul@pandora.be). You can give your top five cases points and then I can have some sort of feeling what could be next.