When we load files with the same name (FileUpload), the files named MultiPartxxxxxxxx appear in the / uploads directory. However, it happens to me that the user loads a file with the same name and I did not know what he was up to. I wrote a change that changes.
Modified ABMUploadHandler file
And changes in 'Sub Page_FileUploaded'
After these changes we will upload the same files, but before the original file name is inserted in the form of year_month_day_hour_minute_second. This way we can divide the same files.
When we load files with the same name (FileUpload), the files named MultiPartxxxxxxxx appear in the / uploads directory. However, it happens to me that the user loads a file with the same name and I did not know what he was up to. I wrote a change that changes.
Modified ABMUploadHandler file
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
'get the callback page from the session (multiple modules can use this handler)
Dim callback As Object = req.GetSession.GetAttribute("abmcallback")
Dim downloadfolder As String = File.Combine(File.DirApp, req.GetSession.GetAttribute("abmdownloadfolder"))
Dim MaxSize As Int
MaxSize = req.GetSession.GetAttribute("abmmaxsize")
resp.SendError(500, LastException.Message)
End Try
Dim data As Map
Dim fileName,fileName2 As String 'add new variable fileName2
Dim tmpFileName As String
data = req.GetMultipartData(downloadfolder, MaxSize)
Dim filePart As Part = data.Get("upl")
If filePart.IsInitialized Then
fileName = filePart.SubmittedFilename
tmpFileName = filePart.TempFile
' add code
fileName2 = File.GetName(tmpFileName)
req.GetSession.SetAttribute("MultiPart", fileName2)
' end new code
If ABM.HandleUpload(downloadfolder, tmpFileName, fileName) Then
req.GetSession.SetAttribute("MultiPart", fileName)
If SubExists(callback, "Page_FileUploaded") Then
CallSubDelayed3(callback, "Page_FileUploaded", fileName, True)
End If
If SubExists(callback, "Page_FileUploaded") Then
CallSubDelayed3(callback, "Page_FileUploaded", fileName, False)
End If
End If
Else ' try image
Dim filePart As Part = data.Get("imageFromCanvas")
fileName = filePart.SubmittedFilename
tmpFileName = filePart.TempFile
'add new code
fileName2 = File.GetName(tmpFileName)
req.GetSession.SetAttribute("MultiPart", fileName2)
'end new code
If ABM.HandleUpload(downloadfolder, tmpFileName, fileName) Then
If SubExists(callback, "Page_FileUploaded") Then
req.GetSession.SetAttribute("MultiPart", fileName)
CallSubDelayed3(callback, "Page_FileUploaded", fileName, True)
End If
If SubExists(callback, "Page_FileUploaded") Then
CallSubDelayed3(callback, "Page_FileUploaded", fileName, False)
End If
End If
End If
resp.SendError(500, LastException.Message)
If SubExists(callback, "Page_FileUploaded") Then
CallSubDelayed3(callback, "Page_FileUploaded", LastException.Message , False)
End If
End Try
End Sub
And changes in 'Sub Page_FileUploaded'
Dim multi As String= ws.Session.GetAttribute2("MultiPart", FileName)
If multi <> FileName Then
Dim time As String = DateTime.GetYear(DateTime.Now)&DateTime.GetMonth(DateTime.Now)&DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now)&DateTime.GetHour(DateTime.Now)&DateTime.GetMinute(DateTime.Now)&DateTime.GetSecond(DateTime.Now)
Dim source As String = File.DirApp& DownloadFolder
source = File.Combine(source,"")
File.Copy(source, multi, source, time&FileName)
hdd_file(1) = time&FileName
original_file(1) = FileName
End If
Log(FileName & " = " & success)
page.ws.Flush 'IMPORTANT
After these changes we will upload the same files, but before the original file name is inserted in the form of year_month_day_hour_minute_second. This way we can divide the same files.
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