' create the page grid
page.AddRowsM(1,False, 10,0,"rowtheme").AddCells12(1, "cnter")
page.AddRowsM( 1,False, -3, 3, "rowtheme").AddCellsOSMP(1,0,0,0, 4,4,4, 5 , 5, 0,0,"cnter").AddCellsOSMP(1,0,0,0,4,4,4,5 ,5,0,0,"cnter").AddCellsOSMP(1,0,0,0,4,4,4,5,5,0,0,"cnter")
page.AddRowsM(1,False, 0,-10,"").AddCells12(1, "cnter")
page.AddRows(5,False, "").AddCellsOSMP(2,0,0,0, 12, 12, 6,0,0, 15,0,"")
page.BuildGrid 'IMPORTANT once you loaded the complete grid AND before you start adding components
Hi I want some of how to work the GRID on ABMaterial because for me now is black magic. Not understand the number and how generate the rows, columns and sizes.
' create the page
gridpage.AddRowsM(1,False, 10,0,"rowtheme").AddCells12(1, "cnter")
Private Const CENTER_IN_ROW=True As Boolean
Private Const DO_NOT_CENTER=False As Boolean
' create the page
gridpage.AddRowsM(1,DO_NOT_CENTER, 10,0,"rowtheme").AddCells12(1, "cnter")
Nice to see others chiming in on this matter. Yes, setting up constants will help in this regard. Clever....
In fact, we should have a set of constants that allow us to easily define Row and Cell properties.
It 'should' make it easier to set each param. Yet, one still has to understand what each param expects. This obviously comes with knowledge of the framework.
We are getting closer to this goal. The more I experiment, the more I understand (sometimes - the limited usage).
You work with what you can currently, and ask for future enhancements. AB has no idea of what you want to do - or f it is even possible.
I have made several suggestions and have been amazed with the results - well beyond my expectations.
I already made it so that with most of the multi params you can use ABM.
But if there is a need, I could add some extra like the consts you suggested.
Maybe one day this will be possible in the B4J IDE. But this is up to Erel![]()
At 4:42AM? Or you are celebrating something or you may consider talking to someone about this...(red wine fueled)
And Harris your tutorials are fantastic for those learning the framework from a developer perspective. Well done!