B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial] Photo Viewer

In keeping with the PDF viewer layout, I created this page.

Driver Photos

Pictures are taken on the device at certain times (like when the Drive Screen pops up).
These are to show if the driver is wearing his/her seat belt (mandatory at this site).
Class 8 vehicles do not have (at present) a PID to determine if seal belt is engaged.

Many pics may be taken automatically. They must be managed.


The "Set Date Range" button will show what pictures have been recorded, within date range, for each driver. Selecting this grid item will show pics's/records within.
The "View" button will show this image in a larger view.
The "Save" button will add this image (and record) to a historical file (preserving this in history).

Since many images are just garbage, the "Delete All In View" button will clean the table and image folder of all junk. If one wanted to preserve any images, they should have used "Save" first.

Enlarged view of selected image.
I tried using Flexwall, but it just did not work for this page.



Licensed User
Longtime User
It is my mobile android app. It takes a picture of the driver every time the system goes into drive mode.