Recently, the client has reported strange entries in the LOG of his server which I wrote for him in ABMaterial. Exactly on the site is the DEMO version secured with a password to enter
I have added options that in the logs I have an entry for what people type. Strangely enough, there are some poor people who analyze the page code. They see some exotic ABMaterial framework and they wonder what it is. Password entries in logs are most often: abmclose, abmcancel, abmoverlay. Of course, there is no further transition without a proper password.
I am asking a question that I did not ask myself about the security level of ABMaterial. Has anybody met with any ABMaterial safety situations? I suspect that with time, everyone will collide with it and it would be good to be better prepared in time. All comments are welcome about security at ABMaterial.
Recently, the client has reported strange entries in the LOG of his server which I wrote for him in ABMaterial. Exactly on the site is the DEMO version secured with a password to enter
page.InputBox ("demo", "The demo version is disabled", "Log", "Cancel", True, ABM.INPUTBOX_QUESTIONTYPE_PASSWORD, ABM.INPUT_PASSWORD, "", "", "", "Error", False, ABM .MSGBOX_POS_CENTER_CENTER, "")
I have added options that in the logs I have an entry for what people type. Strangely enough, there are some poor people who analyze the page code. They see some exotic ABMaterial framework and they wonder what it is. Password entries in logs are most often: abmclose, abmcancel, abmoverlay. Of course, there is no further transition without a proper password.
I am asking a question that I did not ask myself about the security level of ABMaterial. Has anybody met with any ABMaterial safety situations? I suspect that with time, everyone will collide with it and it would be good to be better prepared in time. All comments are welcome about security at ABMaterial.