B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial]: Understanding Events with Helper Classes


Why this? I want to think of a Events Helper Classes as something that could help other B4J ABM users with the transition to ABM. Please note, this is NOT how ABM WebApps are developed.

ABM is a NON-UI application (it is a library) and thus does not have a designer for one to create components. Everything has to be coded in manually. Whilst the attached custom view will help you understand the events behind the respective component(s), it is only for understanding the framework and not for developing code. It is IRRELEVANT to ABM, is NOT-USABLE as ABM DOES NOT reference/use Layouts in anyway.

But then why do it? The thing is, we are used to doing everything through the designer such that I thought why not do my part in the growth of other ABM users out there.

What I explain in this video is how you create an event (for event linked components). To do that we use a custom view that we can place in a layout. The event code that is set on your class/module is what you will basically type manually when creating your ABM projects.

As ABM DOES NOT USE Layouts, creating each component is done via the various "Initialize" statements that you type (this has not been included here). The ABM demo app has a wealth of information about this engine.

NB: I could have included this to Harris's post but in case there is a confusion, so decided to keep it separate. He has encouraged others to pitch in anyway. ;)

The included classe(s) are generated directly from the ABM Library XML content.

Enjoying ABM.



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Longtime User
I could have included this to Harris's post but in case there is a confusion, so decided to keep it separate. He has encouraged others to pitch in anyway

I looked at the vid, and am not sure I understand any of this?

Since I am the ultimate dummy, it would be preferable I (or others) include content that newbies can grasp as a simple concept.
You have lots to contribute - yet very few of us are at your higher level (yet). Simple, manageable examples are what newcomers desire - baby steps...

ABM for Experts will come - when experts can contribute what experts can explain for the rest of us.

If you wish, could you define the "empty" template project? I know I would have difficulty explaining this "magic".
Other have commented they would like to know these advanced methods in simple terms - if that is possible...

If I only knew what you and ab know... Keep up the effort.



Licensed User
Longtime User
If you wish, could you define the "empty" template project? I know I would have difficulty explaining this "magic".

Noted @Harris , i also started with the Demo project to learn as much as I could about this. ABM is still the expert. Anyway, give me a day or two and I will write something and PM you, if its acceptable then you can post it in the Dummies thread. It will have to be a step by step process though, the ABMPage has the navigatpor, side bar, top items, footer, grid etc etc, but for now we will just do the template.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I was thinking about this post yesterday when I was coding my banano app. I’m realising one way or the other I have to learn how to use the abstract designer for banano components because the coding is rather becoming tedious for UOEBanano.

At least the skeleton for most working components exist, one needs to create custom views and the like. Exciting times indeed...