I am finally starting to run some test some "under-dev" ABMaterial samples and each time I re-upload the files to the Raspberry pi, using SFTP, I see that "tempjars" owned by "root" and not by "pi"... so I get a "permission denied" alert!
So when copying, at each "permission denied" alert, I just skip these files… (the 'myapp.core.min.xxxxx.css', 'myapp.xxxxx.css', 'myapp.xxxxxx.js' and 'index.html')
Is this ok?
and the only change I made to the sequence was to first create the root password and only then restart the ssh service… I did this way because restarting the ssh service requires the root password, which is not defined by default.
This should "solve" the issue of why different owners in the same project files.