i found a problem using themes with ABMtable. In detail I have defined a theme also using the inputmask property:
(the code was written starting from "HelperTablePage" in ABM demo project)
in ConnectPage i wrote this code:
the output is this:
inputmask formatting is applied to the first row only.
I tried with the ABMaterial library version 4.30 and also with the latest 4.95 (updated also www folder).
I don't understand if I'm doing something wrong or it's a library problem
thanks for some helps
i found a problem using themes with ABMtable. In detail I have defined a theme also using the inputmask property:
(the code was written starting from "HelperTablePage" in ABM demo project)
theme.Table("tbl1theme").Cell("IPnocoloredit").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_WHITE
theme.Table("tbl1theme").Cell("IPnocoloredit").ActiveBackColor = "dragonfly"
theme.Table("tbl1theme").Cell("IPnocoloredit").ActiveBackColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_LIGHTEN2
theme.Table("tbl1theme").Cell("IPnocoloredit").Align = ABM.TABLECELL_HORIZONTALALIGN_RIGHT
theme.Table("tbl1theme").Cell("IPnocoloredit").IsEditable = True
theme.Table("tbl1theme").Cell("IPnocoloredit").InputMask = "'mask':'999.999.999.999'"
theme.Table("tbl1theme").Cell("IPnocoloredit").AllowEnterKey = True
in ConnectPage i wrote this code:
For i = 0 To 7
Dim r As List
Dim rCellThemes As List
r.Add(Main.SQL3.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT System FROM CFG_SystemTable WHERE rowid =" & (i+1) ))
rCellThemes.Add("nocolor") ' nocoloredit
r.Add(Main.SQL3.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT Description FROM CFG_SystemTable WHERE rowid =" & (i+1) ))
rCellThemes.Add("nocolor") ' nocoloredit
r.Add(Main.SQL3.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT IPAddr FROM CFG_SystemTable WHERE rowid =" & (i+1) ))
rCellThemes.Add("IPnocoloredit") '
r.Add(Main.SQL3.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT SubID FROM CFG_SystemTable WHERE rowid =" & (i+1) ))
rCellThemes.Add("nocolor") ' nocoloredit
r.Add(Main.SQL3.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT Port FROM CFG_SystemTable WHERE rowid =" & (i+1) ))
rCellThemes.Add("nocolor") ' nocoloredit
Dim switchactive As ABMSwitch
Dim SWstate As Boolean
If Main.SQL3.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT Enable FROM CFG_SystemTable WHERE rowid =" & (i+1) ) ="0" Then
End If
switchactive.Initialize(page, "switchactive", "ON", "OFF", SWstate, "switch")
tbl1.AddRow("uid" & i, r)
tbl1.SetRowThemes(rCellThemes) ' make sure you have as many items in rCellThemes as in r!
the output is this:
inputmask formatting is applied to the first row only.
I tried with the ABMaterial library version 4.30 and also with the latest 4.95 (updated also www folder).
I don't understand if I'm doing something wrong or it's a library problem
thanks for some helps