Hi All,
I have been very busy with moving house from one state to another.
Queensland in the north of Australia to an Island called Tasmania.
I will have my Raspberry pi server up and going soon with live images and weather updates.
I am using a handler which loads each page from a database using resp.write(htm)
This is working well. However, what I can do is call a ..
(local host demo) - This works like a charm.
The request only gets the html files.
If I call a (with the index.
It shows my www directory.
The server is setup by..
srvr.Port = 80
srvr.StaticFilesFolder = File.Combine(File.DirApp, "www")
srvr.AddHandler("/ctd/*", "b4jPages", False)
How can I add a default "/ctd/index.html" for the default value.
BTW the server will be MySQL fed. Sqlite at the moment though.