Android Question Action Up Event on Calculator


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Hello Everyone!
I have a simple calculator using panels for the buttons. I am using Action_Down and Action_up to load Normal and pressed images. This all works fine.

My question is... In most apps when you press a button then slide your finger off to the side, the action is cancelled. In other words the Action_up event never fires. This is what I want to happen, but in B4A doing this with panels or even with buttons it does not work, you can slide your finger off the button and the Action_Up code runs as soon as you lift your finger. Am I missing something, or is there a specific code needed to get this behavior?


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Longtime User
Tim .. if you still wish to proceed that way maybe this could be of use. You will have to experiment with deviation values.

Sub Panel1_Touch(Action As Int , X As Float, Y As Float)

  Dim startX , startY As Int
  Select Action
    Case 0    'Down
       startX = X
       startY = Y
    Case 1   'Up
      If Abs(X - startX) > 20%x OR Abs(Y - startY) > 30%y Then Return  'consume action
      'your code ....... 
  End Select

End Sub
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Longtime User
The standard action is Click not Up. It will behave as you described.

Have you seen AnotherDatePicker class?

Thanks Erel! Yes, I see the click does the job. But when using click I lose the ability to display one bitmap on Action_Down, and a different bitmap on Action_Up
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Tim .. if you still wish to proceed that way maybe this could be of use. You will have to experiment with deviation values.

Sub Panel1_Touch(Action As Int , X As Float, Y As Float)

  Dim startX , startY As Int
  Select Action
    Case 0    'Down
       startX = X
       startY = Y
    Case 1   'Up
      If Abs(X - startX) > 40%x OR Abs(Y - startY) > 20%y Then Return  'cancel action  
      'your code .......   
  End Select

End Sub

Thanks MangoJack! I am going to try it now. Will post results soon!
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