Android Question Activity.finish not working as expected


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I have 2 activities - Main and actPage2. Now I have a condition that when its met, the main activity should end and start the second activity(actPage2).

My problem is the code runs even after Activity.Finish line. The only way it works is when i add return after the activity.finish or use Else for the code below the condition

What am I doing wrong?

Code for the Main activity
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    If "A" = "A" Then
        Log("They are the same")
'        Return
    End If
    Log("****Am down here***")
    Log(2 + 4)
End Sub

Logcat Output
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
They are the same     '<-------------------- The condition is true and suppose to finish and start second activity
****Am down here***      '<--------------activity.finish did not work
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
** Activity (actpage2) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (actpage2) Resume **


Well-Known Member
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I have seen the Lifetime cycle tutorial. I just need more clarification about the Message Queue

According to the tutorial Here. This is what it says about Activity.finish

This method pauses and destroys the current activity, similar to the Back button.

So to my understanding, I was expecting immediate termination of the 1st Activity and starting the 2nd Activity.

I moved the code to button click event and I still get same output in logs

Sub Button1_Click
    If "A" = "A" Then
        Log("They are the same")
'        Return
    End If

    Log("****Am down here***")
    Log(2 + 4)
End Sub

Does it mean that I have to add RETURN after every ACTIVITY.FINISH?
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