Share My Creation AdBuddiz DashBoard Tool

Hi all.
I made today this simple dashboard to know views, clicks and earnings of adbuddiz


This is working only to show yesterday stats.
When the adbuddiz add today and real time on the API i will add on the tool too.

The Login/Pass its stored on your PC

And the Time/Day is based on your PC date for now, later adbudiz change the api to real time and today stats i will change.

PS: Its not responsive, i made this fast (1 Hour), made for my pc screen, if someone want i make changes on layout.
Its a very simple tool, only login and see your app stats for now.

Update v1.1
- Fixed Default Timezone(Europe/Paris)

Download JAR:

Download Attached
B4J + PHP Files (CURL + JSON)


    186.9 KB · Views: 547
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Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes that bad, but this apps listed really have low trafic and its not 7 days(only 4).

but a strange thing happened
first I thought it was a problem in tool but entered the site and it was not.

$0,05 to $1.87 :rolleyes:o_O

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Licensed User
Longtime User
I know that this is the wrong thread for this question, sorry, Douglas...

I see (first picture):
TextReader - 7 clicks - Revenue 0

I would like to know if you earn if an Interstitial is only shown, not clicked (otherwise why to use them instead of Banners)?

Thank you

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
adbuddiz pay
- By Installs (1 to 3 Dollars per/install)
- By 1000 views = CPM

- By CPC Clicks
- By 1000 Views = CPM

For now i changed to adbuddiz because.
- Week or Month Payment you can select
- You can select Euro or Dollar
- You can use paypal to get your cash
- App size (My app with admob 3,49mb and with adbuddiz 900kb)
- Run really fast (you get new ads and videos very fast)
- Simple but good dashboard
- Reward Video, you have a option to show a video by 10s/30s and on the end you can give prizes, coins, extra lifes etc...
- Native B4A Plugin/Lib on the adbuddiz webiste
- Support via skype and e-mail, real people and very fast.
- No Vírus Ad like admob (Alert! Your Phone Have a Virus.)
- Very Good and beautiful ads.

About money i dont know, my apps have really bad trafic for now.
i will test for more time, i know some members here on the forum making 5k+ Month and get paid on week correct.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
When I look at the screenshot I notice that you tried it already before for about 2 year?

an average of $150 ain't bad at all compared to 0 :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
I must say b4x is the best development tool i ever used. I really love it. You have an idea and after 1 week your app is online.

Incredible :)