Admob income

I am building a browser with b4a for Android and b4j for Windows.
I really don't know if it will be profitable to use Admob ads or to add vip subscription!
That's why I ask a few questions, please answer them:
1- In addition to Android, will it be possible to use AdMob in b4j?
2- Can I display only AdMob's banner ad text as an ad in the search results? (I can add text from the server to the search results, so I don't know if AdMob allows us to display only the text part of the ad? If it allows, won't the income be lower?)
3- Banner and interstitial advertising income is calculated per click or per view?
4- How many dollars (or cents) will I earn per click (or if calculating income by display: per display) on banner and interstitial ads? (I have asked this question to some people before and they refuse to answer this question, but please tell me the minimum, maximum and average income because it will be effective in my decision to use Admob ads or not.)
5- I want some videos to be displayed in the search results without the user visiting the site. Can I use AdMob ads on videos on Android and Windows? (Like YouTube that plays ads at the beginning and middle of the video)
6- Can I not use the Admob library in b4a and b4j and prepare Admob ads on the server side and only receive information about banner and interstitial ads from the server and display them in my client?

I would be grateful if you could answer my questions and save me from confusion.


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1. No, B4A only.
2. I don't get this question.
3. Both.
4. Depend on users location. User in USA have 10-50 time better eCPM then user in India.
5. It's against TOS to monetize on YT videos.
6. I don't get this question.


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1 B4a and B4i
2 Yes, theres a setting in abmob console
3 Both
4 It varies, from $0.00 to .... I've seen it as high as several thousand $ (eCPM) but expect always closer to zero
5 Admob has rewarded video ads - if thats what you mean
6 Thats a confusing question but I think the short answer is no
Thank you. What do you mean by ecpm being zero most of the time? Does that mean I show Google AdMob ads for free in my program? If yes, why should I do such a thing? Both ads bother users and I don't have any income? I do not understand this!


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Thank you. What do you mean by ecpm being zero most of the time? Does that mean I show Google AdMob ads for free in my program? If yes, why should I do such a thing? Both ads bother users and I don't have any income? I do not understand this!
Sometimes ads are shown but you get nothing for them, so yes, what you say is correct.

I find this happens mostly in the mornings. You can't control when users use your app and the time when advertisers choose to pay. Advertisers want people to see their ad - if only a few people see the ad, they dont pay. Another explanation could be that they only pay when the number reaches a certain threshold. Admob dont tell you this kind of information. I've wondered about pretending to be an advertiser and seeing what Admob offer me. Also, look at Infinito for example - whats 6/1000th of $1.00 eCPM? Assuming it was $1.00 at the time. The only thing consistent with Admob is inconsistency.

Also, look at this:

eCPM is erratic. $5.88 then $0.13 on Xmas Day. I averaged $1.19 across all of my apps over the last 28 days. Great eh?


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Thank you
Do you mean zero income per view or click?
How many active users do your programs have, and how many people visit your accounts on average every day, when you earned $1? Can you send the link of your programs?


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Thank you
Do you mean zero income per view or click?
How many active users do your programs have, and how many people visit your accounts on average every day, when you earned $1? Can you send the link of your programs?

I get around 1.5k ad impressions per day and I have about 8 apps in each store with very varied subjects ie some games, some utility. The utility apps are the main earners.

IOS earns more because I think Android is easy to block ads.
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