
  1. T

    Android Question Admob Native Ads help needed

    I am trying to implement the Native ads for my app, Currently I have tested an example "admob_example" with the library "mwFirebaseAdmobNative". The problem is I don't want to start an activity for native ads, I just want to show the ad above the content (like float). I have also done this...
  2. Ferdari

    Android Question Best way to Wait for ReceivedAd or FailedToReceiveAd

    Hi Everyone, I'm having trouble when loading and IAD from FirebaseAdmob2, i want to load the Ad and wait before continuing the app process. Ex. User press Share from my app, app loads an Ad and when loaded shows the Ad, then continues the Share code(open app sharing selector), if i use Wait For...
  3. asales

    Android Code Snippet Disable Admob Native Ad validator

    In the last update of Admob, if you use the native ad, it shows a popup with tips about the ad. If your implementation has no issues, you can disable the validator warning putting this line in the manifest: AddApplicationText(...
  4. T

    Android Question Ads restricted Admob "Rewards implementation – User choice Must fix"

    My app is restricted for ads with the following issue. "Rewards implementation – User choice" Must fix "Rewarded ads, except those implemented via the rewarded interstitial format, must only be served after a user affirmatively and unambiguously opts in (such as by tapping a button that...
  5. jun123

    When using AdMob, what are the chances of actually making money?

    For those using AdMob, what are the actual chances of earning revenue? If possible, someone with experience in using AdMob could explain how it works and share their personal experience. I developed a free app in January, and I'm pleasantly surprised by its performance. It has achieved nearly...
  6. M

    Android Question Add addreplacement by code

    Is there any way to add following code (regarding admob) by code in b4a?? (no manifest) AddReplacement($ADMOB_APP_ID$, ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713)
  7. Jack Cole

    B4A Class AdsHelperFromStarter - AdsHelper for Traditional B4A Apps & More

    I wanted to share an update that I have made to the AdsHelper extension class. The example app loads AdsHelperFromStarter through the starter service. The reason that this matters, is that it can load App Open, Rewarded Interstitial and Rewarded Video ads when the app starts. The ads can then...
  8. MaxRosa

    Erro TC String

    Boa tarde, alguém sabe como resolver isso? No Admob está dando um erro sobre o consentimento dos usuários da EEU. Precisa renovar o consentimento da GDPR. Mas como? Não é automático?
  9. SinaDeveloper

    Admob income

    Hello I am building a browser with b4a for Android and b4j for Windows. I really don't know if it will be profitable to use Admob ads or to add vip subscription! That's why I ask a few questions, please answer them: 1- In addition to Android, will it be possible to use AdMob in b4j? 2- Can I...
  10. natesobol

    iOS Question iAdMob Consent Custom Provider

    Hi all, I've been having an issue with the GDPR consent form for iAdMob. Going off of Erel's thread Here, and some google searches it seems it has to do with the limit on 12 ad technology providers, but I thought they removed it. I'm wondering if anyone has an idea as to what's causing it. I...
  11. Alejandro Moyano

    Android Question How avoid black padding on admob

    Hi, I'm trying to add admob ads before launch my app, and I am having troubles with padding or background: As you can see the back lines of padding or background make it looks ugly, i tried: BannerAd.Color = xui.Color_ARGB(1,251,247,255) BannerAd.Padding = Array As Int(0,0,0,0) And...
  12. 1lusca

    Android Question Admob interstitial adclicked event

    Hello everyone Is there a way of capturing admob interstitial ad clicked event? Thanks
  13. C

    Italian Non mi caria il banner!

    Ciao a tutti, spero che possiate aiutarmi. non so come risolvere! Ho creato un account admob, ho collegato Firebase. Aggiunta app (attualmente su Playstore). scaricato il file google-services.json e salvato nella cartella dell'app creata nel bunner pubblicitario. Successivamente ho provato a...
  14. C

    Android Question does not load the banner!

    Hi everyone, I hope you can help me. I don't know how to fix! I created an admob account, I connected Firebase. App added (currently on Playstore). downloaded the google-services.json file and saved in the app folder created advertising bunner. Later tried to insert id admob test. modified...
  15. yiankos1

    Android Tutorial Data Safety Admob

    Hello team, If you recieved an email about submiting Data Safety form at Google Play Console and your apps using Admob, you can watch this video to guide you. More infos you can find here and here. Wish you a great day!
  16. Hadi57

    Android Code Snippet How to increase your Consent Rate for your GDPR CMP in Google funding Choices

    Hi Friends, As you maybe know Google can completely turn off your Ads, if EU users do not consent in GDPR CMP pop-up and there is no working solution for that. But there are some strategies that I use for increase Consent Rate that lead to show/serve more Ads and increase Monetization. Please...
  17. melonZgz

    Android Question admob ads content, google play families policy and the use of tagForChildDirectedTreatment

    Hello friends. I have been trying to update one of my games without much success, since Google has rejected my update several times, always claiming the content of the ads. Finally yesterday they removed the game from the store. A game with almost 1M downloads The problem is that it's a game...
  18. shadowdevfr

    Android Question Maven artifact not found even if it's installed through the sdk manager

    Hi! I've been using b4a for a while, but this is my first forum post. This time i'll assume I'm pretty much stuck. I'm integrating admob to my app. I added everything into the manifest, but still, an error is appearing on compiling and refreshing libraries. "Maven artifact not found...
  19. amidgeha

    Android Question How to implement AppOpenAds

    I updated B4A Sdk Manager with all recommended items and downloaded FirebaseAdMob2. Still not clear how to show AppOpenAds in normal B4A app and not B4XPages app
  20. ibkme

    Android Question how to mute ads on my app using this code from google [MobileAds.setAppMuted(true);] ??

    Hello, I want a way to mute Admob ads, ((Video reward ads, and Interstitial ads...etc)) on my app. I read this topic from Google: , but I don't know how to integrate this code into my own application using Android Studio. Is there...