This object provides the functionality of a secret (symmetric) key encryptor and
decryptor. The algorithms may commonly be one of the following, there are others not listed here.
Dim security As JavaObject
Dim providers() As Object = security.InitializeStatic("").RunMethod("getProviders", Null)
For Each provider As JavaObject In providers
Dim services() As Object = provider.RunMethodJO("getServices", Null).RunMethod("toArray", Null)
For Each service As JavaObject In services
Log(service.RunMethod("getAlgorithm", Null))
Seems to be a mixture of AES and HMAC to authenticate the data, too (like a signature). In PHP (you can search the forum for AES and HMAC to adapt it with agrahams encryption lib) there's an example for php here: Should be easy to adapt.
As I can see, there are several different formats to do so (mostly how the data is mixed and encrypted). So you need to check what the api expects and adapt the steps from the php example.