I need to implement AES enryption as following in B4A.
B4A part works and the result can be deciphered as well (using a decrypt routine on a PC).
Now I tried to Iranslate the encyrption method to B4I, but the result is not the same result as produced by the B4A code, thus the result can not be deciphered on the PC.
Hope somebody can help..
Thank you and kind regards
I need to implement AES enryption as following in B4A.
B4A part works and the result can be deciphered as well (using a decrypt routine on a PC).
Now I tried to Iranslate the encyrption method to B4I, but the result is not the same result as produced by the B4A code, thus the result can not be deciphered on the PC.
Hope somebody can help..
Thank you and kind regards
Sub AES_Encrypt(inputB() As Byte, IV As String, pass As String) As String
Dim su As StringUtils
Dim sb As ByteConverter
Dim passB() As Byte = sb.HexToBytes(pass)
Dim IVb() As Byte = sb.HexToBytes(IV)
Dim C As Cipher
#if b4a
Dim kg As KeyGenerator
kg.Initialize("AES") 'Yes, AES only
C.InitialisationVector = IVb
Dim datas() As Byte = C.Encrypt(inputB, kg.Key, True)
#else if b4i
Dim bsalt() As Byte
Dim iOption As Int = Bit.Or(0,C.OPTION_PKCS7Padding)
Dim bkey() As Byte=C.GenerateKey( passB, "SHA-256", bsalt,0)
Dim datas() As Byte = C.Encrypt2(inputB, bkey,"AES", IVb,iOption)
Return su.EncodeBase64(datas)
End Sub