AHQuickAction library - Nice looking popup menus


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do you mean a manual fix? could you share?

A fix to the lib. i.e. once released, you download and install the library update and then it should be fixed, no extra code in b4a. I don't think it will be a 100% fix, but should work 99%. It may even be 100%, still a couple of bits to iron out but shouldn't be long.


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OK, done some more testing and I may not be as close as I first thought. I need some help off you guys, if anyone has any spare time (not much).

Basically, the only test devices i have are a HTC Desire Z running Gingerbread 2.3.3 and a Archos G9 101 running ICS 4.0.3. Everything seemed fine on these 2. I wanted to test further and so created a AVD of 800 x 480 with 160 Density (a basic 7" tab) running 2.3.3. This is when things got interesting.

It seems that the layout of the popup varies with android version. Up to and including Gingerbread the popup fills the screen width. Above Gingerbread the width truncates. So, I need to see some results of this running on some other devices (physical or virtual) to try get a better understanding of the behaviour and to see if my assumptions above are correct.

I have created a simple test app, if anyone has any spare time could you run it on your device and post a screenshot of the 3 tests plus details of your device. All you need to do it tap the test buttons and take screenshot. The menu items don't do anything.

Find below the test app, in APK format. .zip project removed.

Edit: please don't use the zip project. Just thought, it won't give the required results as you don't have the modified library.

My results will follow.

Thanks to anyone who has the time to try and help out with this and hopefully we will get it sorted.
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Here are my results:

An AVD with settings WVGA screen size, running 2.3.3

An AVD (mentioned in last post) 7" tab, 800x400x160, running 2.3.3

And finally My Archos G9 101 running 4.0.3

As you can see the results are very different. Thanks again to anybody that can help with this.


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Hi and many thanks for working on this issue.

I won't bother to post my results using my HD2 (480x800) running Gingerbread because everything works the way it should.

On my Acer Iconia A500 Tab running ICS 4.0.3 the results are similar to yours although just the fact that you managed to re-position the icons slightly is a great improvement. Could be useful in my app since it looks better instead of having the icons all the way to the left.

Attached are some screen-shots (landscape and portrait - Acer Iconia A500 Tab running ICS 4.0.3). I had to re-size them since the forum does not accept 1280x800):


  • landscape1.png
    34.5 KB · Views: 298
  • landscape2.png
    34.5 KB · Views: 281
  • landscape3.png
    34.5 KB · Views: 279
  • Portrait1.png
    36.5 KB · Views: 288
  • Portrait2.png
    37.7 KB · Views: 270
  • Portrait3.png
    36.5 KB · Views: 265
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Thanks moster, trust me. every little will help.

Your above screen shots at least show that it behaves the same on other ICS tabs and that mine wasn't a one-off. I'm assuming that by your HD2 looking the same you mean same as other Gingerbread tests, full screen width?



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Yep, both in landscape and portrait.

I'm assuming that by your HD2 looking the same you mean same as other Gingerbread tests, full screen width?


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Moster's post kind of backs up my thoery, so modified the lib again. Here is an updated version of Test app which I hope should show ok on all versions / devices.

I cannot fix the fact that the popup is fullscreen width on lower versions but at least it should now provide 'reasonable' results. i.e. arrow lines up and popup appears in the path of the anchor view.


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Help: Java file not found ......

When I run quickActionExample I get this error :
javac: file not found: src \ of \ amberhome \ quickactionexample \ Main.java


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Can anybody share small sample project which shows how to use AHQuickAction with AHActionBar? :sign0163:


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Why do I always get this error message "resources$notfoundexception" ?
I have tried cleaning project like 100 times but same result.

Sample project works great but when I try to move code to other projects I get this error message


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changes from Open Source project

I'm digging around in the res folder for this little beauty, because of course we are going to need to use our own images for Icons .

.. I peek at the icon in the app then look in the folder and No.. I don't see a match ... your all gonna point me to the xml aren't you ..?

I want to know how to change the menu icons to our own custom ones please

OK Heres my own follow up again as I generally do ...
I didnt see anything in the XML related to SetIcon
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I have some items that need to be context sensitive ...

Can anyone tell me how to Disable, Remove or change Visibility of an AHActionItem ?

Thank you in advance .... I really need some advice on this one!:sign0085::sign0085: