AHQuickAction library - Nice looking popup menus


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Horizontal problem

Nexus 7
OS 4.2.2


Vertical is displaying properly.

Horizontal shows up to 6, last one is smaller icon then the rest, and the remaining 4 are not shown.

How do I add the Horizontal line in the vertical menu?

I have the latest Res folder with 1.02

Update: It appears the horizontal scroll is not working. Any solution for this? I looked into the xml and there is nothing I can do to correct it.
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Dave O

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Nice looking popup menu, just what I was looking for in my next project.

I'm partial to the Holo Light look. Would be great to be able to set a property for the popup menu to be dark or light to match the current theme.

In the meantime, I assume I would need to change some PNG files and XML text colors manually?

Thanks again!

Dave O

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Very nice library.

For the popup menu, is there a way to add separators between sets of action items?


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I am trying to use the AHPopupMenu in my app, but I can't work out how to change the background color from the dark black color (Holo Dark) to a lighter color (Holo Light).

Anyone able to help ?


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I'm partial to the Holo Light look. Would be great to be able to set a property for the popup menu to be dark or light to match the current theme.
In the meantime, I assume I would need to change some PNG files and XML text colors manually?

I can't work out how to change the background color from the dark black color (Holo Dark) to a lighter color (Holo Light).
To avoid duplication, may I refer you to this post here


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AHQuickAction with ULV

I've an old project that used ListView and it works fine with AHQuickAction. As I'm reviving my project, I've decided to switch to using ULV to speed up the 'loading' of the list items which is almost instant (compared to about 4-6 seconds of waiting).

The problem:
The sub "GetViewAtPos(LV As ListView, Position As Int) As View" does not work as ULV does not have ListView.

Informatix suggested that I used the command:

But it shows an error "setContentView as not called with a view to display"

Anyone with any suggestion to allow me to use the QuickAction with ULV is appreciated...



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This solution works. The problem is elsewhere in your code.

Hi All,
Thanks to Fred for taking the time to create a short demo to 'prove' that it works. I've no regrets getting the UltimateListView and would recommend anyone to consider using it.

The reason why I got ULV is that it took about 4 seconds to load up a 800 records on my Notes II... and about 6 seconds on a cheap Android device. After replacing the ListView with ULV, the list display was almost instant (less than 1 sec) even on the slow cheap device.

Now.. to my original problem. Yes, the cause was due to my codes. I've moved the codes to initialise the ac1 to a Sub, and have forgotten to call this Sub in the Activity_Create sub. :sign0013:My mistake... and I'm glad Fred is proactive in supporting his customers.:sign0060:



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I see that the pressed color of menu item is orange. Can you please make the 9 patch PNG for Holo blue color? The color code is 33B5E5.


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Any way to change the text size?

Looks GREAT on phones but text is rather small on tablets.

I figured out the size of the image determines the button height.

Thanks as always...

Scratch this... Found answer back at post 52.
Helps to read ALL posts for answers to same questions asked...

Thanks Again
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Ok, modified the xml and added textSize. Any way to set text size programatically?

Such as:

If DefCM.GetDevicePhysicalSize < 6 Then ' phone
ac1.textSize = 9
Else ' tablet
ac1.textSize = 12
End if

Thanks kindly.


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Button Click on AHActionItem

Thanks for this Awesome lib....

I made the AH Action Bar and AHQuickAction function and I make all of the icons on the Action Bar click events...

However, on the AHQuickAction3D pop up menu (ac2) I cannot make anything happen with the click events??


Is it an If/Then statement? OR ?

PLEASE HELP!! :sign0104:

For i = 1 To 7
Dim ai As AHActionItem
Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
Dim Filename, Text As String

Select i
Case 1
Filename = "refresh.png"
Text = "Get Coupons"
Case 2
Filename = "list.png"
Text = "Saved Coupons"
Case 3
Filename = "settings.png"
Text = "Settings"
' Case 4
' Filename = "menu_eraser.png"
' Text = "Delete"
' Case 5
' Filename = "menu_search.png"
' Text = "Search"
' Case 6
' Filename = "menu_cancel.png"
' Text = "Cancel"
' Case 7
' Filename = "settings.png"
' Text = "Settings"
End Select

'Initialize a bitmap drawable and the action item
bd.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, Filename))
ai.Initialize(i, Text, bd)
ai.Selected = True

'Add the item to both Quickactions popups
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Problem on the Asus Nexus 7

I know problems with tablets have already been discussed with regard to this library. I just thought I'd chip in with a screenshot from my Asus Nexus 7 using the demo project.

As you can see the edge extends beyond the last icon on the quick action menu.

PopupMenu and QuickAction3D both render fine.

Just thought I'd add to the information.


Marcello Pietrelli

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Problem on some devices


On my Samsung Galaxy ACE the QuickAction works correctly, but on Samsung Galaxy SII I get the following problem:

The labels disappear and images appear small even if they are large.

Someone can help me? Thanks!

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Please, how can increase the AHQuickAction's width , I use it to show some thumbnails and then I could use as wide as the width of the screen.




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Change the pop up from top to left or right


I have an screen where i have placed a button(M) at the right of the screen so i want the pop up menu arrow to come from the left of the button.

is it possible to do it. kindly let me know how i can go about it.

PFA the image of the screen

Shashi Kiran


  • Screenshot_.png
    54.5 KB · Views: 312


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A tricky solution could be to add a1 pixel component (mayve invisible ir size 0) to the left of the button and pass it to the popup menu...


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Hi Melmound,

I tried it but it dint work,

if you see the the way pop up comes it is either on the top of the button or the bottom. even if it comes in the sideways the arrow of the pop up will will be pointing to the top(upwards) and not sidewards.
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