I've done it!
Leave these instructions if you can be of help to some other partner:
Ahqa_action_item_vertical.xml file that is inside the folder objetcs / res / layout we serve to change the size and color of the text.
android: id = "@ + id / tv_title"
android: layout_width = "fill_parent"
android: layout_height = "fill_parent"
android: gravity = "center_vertical"
android: paddingLeft = "5dip"
android: paddingRight = "10dip"
android: text = "Chart"
android: textsize = "24DIP"
android: textColor = "#000" />
I have put 24DIP and text color I put in black.
Then you have to vary the ahqa3d_popup.9 arhivo this within the Objects folder / res / drawable. Currently this a square black (to my understanding very ugly
), I've changed by another the other with a gradient. Keep in mind that this file is a 9.png and therefore have to work previously with some NinePatch retouching tool.
If you do not like the small triangle that appears below the dropdown, you can edit the png file and completely remove ahqa3d_arrow_down/ahqa3d_arrow_up, leaving only the transparent square area. I think this could also be achieved by modifying some other xml, but honestly, after so many hours spent on these small details rather not see more xml in a while ... Do you know how hard it is to use the translator of google for all!
After changing all the comments, and have put VERY IMPORTANT READ ONLY files, you have to clean the project and run it so you can see the difference.
I hope I have said no nonsense, and if I did, I hope the author of this magnificent library knows forgive.
Thank you all!