Android Question An error occurred while calling the database


Hi. This is a problem that I did a lot of research on but failed to solve. Thank you for your help.
Error occurred on line: 449 (Main)
android.database.CursorWindowAllocationException: Cursor window allocation of 2048 kb failed. # Open Cursors=52 (# cursors opened by this proc=52)
at android.database.CursorWindow.<init>(
at android.database.AbstractWindowedCursor.clearOrCreateWindow(
and this is a code
Dim cure As Cursor = mysql.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM English WHERE English_Word LIKE  '%"&userworden&"%' ")

    lblecount.Text = cure.RowCount
    lblecount.Visible = True
    Imgerecord.Visible = True
    If cure.RowCount > 0 Then
        For i=0 To cure.RowCount - 1
            cure.Position = i
            Dim enide As Int = cure.GetString("Word_ID")
            Dim cure2 As Cursor
            cure2 = mysql.ExecQuery2("SELECT * FROM Farsi WHERE English_ID =? " , Array As String(enide))
line 449 cure2.Position = 0
            Dim logate As String = cure2.GetString("Farsi_Word")
            Dim loagatee As String = cure.GetString("English_Word")
            Dim pe2 As Panel
            customenglist.Add(pe2 , 350dip , "" )
            pe2.Left = 0
            pe2.Width = 100%x
            lblfaword.Height = 10%y
            lblemani.Height = 12%y
            lblemani.Top= 11%y
            btnsen.Height = 11%y
            btnsen.Top = 10%y
            btnsen.Tag = loagatee
            lblfaword.Text = logate
            lblemani.Text = cure.GetString("English_Word")
            ToastMessageShow("هیچ نتیجه ای یافت نشد" , False)   
    End If


You are fetching to much data from the database at once. You need to limit the data to not exceed 2mb of data.
Maybe add a LIMIT 0,100 to fetch only the first 100 results.
How much datasets does the query fetch???
It takes about 700 data to receive. The data is for a dictionary that should show the meaning of the word.
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how can I do this?
Since both tables English and Farsi have a common field ( Word_ID/English_ID), you can create one resultset (sursor if you wish) by joining both table. It would be something like this and it will not take too much memory. If you continue to have problems, attach your project or a small project and the database or a small database.
Dim rs As ResultSet
    Dim strQuery As String =$"SELECT E.Word_ID, E.English_Word, F.Farsi_Word FROM English E JOIN Farsi F 
    ON E.Word_Id = F.English_ID WHERE  E.English_Word LIKE ?"$
    rs= mysql.ExecQuery2(strQuery, Array As String( $"%${userworden}%"$))
    Do While rs.NextRow
        Log(rs.GetString("English_Word") & TAB & rs.GetString("Farsi_Word"))
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