Good morning everyone,
I noticed recently that some apps that run smoothly in Android 13 cannot be installed/run on Android 14 and the problem is as per the title.
I googled it and came up at this. How can I utilize what is described as the answer?
Answer in stackoverflow :
I noticed recently that some apps that run smoothly in Android 13 cannot be installed/run on Android 14 and the problem is as per the title.
I googled it and came up at this. How can I utilize what is described as the answer?
Answer in stackoverflow :
Hmm I have realized my mistake in my case. There is no need to request the Manifest.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission at runtime. Just declare it in manifest then start an intent with this action ACTION_MANAGE_ALL_FILES_ACCESS_PERMISSION to drive users to the permission settings board and they will turn on directly if they want. That is the way!
Manifest.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE does not work on Android 14
I want to access all folders/files on external storage to display them on screen (like a file manager app) follow this document It worked fine on Android 13 but on 14. On Android 14, the permission