Android Tutorial Android home screen widgets tutorial - part I

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It is better to just set the panel size to this value instead.

Thank you very very much corwin42 and Erel! I had this problem! :icon_clap::icon_clap:


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I'm confused about sizing and positioning widgets. On my Xoom a 1x1 widget can be a maximum of 95 x 95 pixels, on my Blade the same widget displays as 2x2. I need to reduce the widget size to 79 x 79 to get a 1x1 widget on the Blade but then the same widget on the Xoom doesn't look quite right as it is visually displaced up and to the left relative to the positioning of the other app icons. If I make it the "regulation" 72 x 72 pixels it looks even worse! I don't seem to be able to make a widget that looks the same on both devices as apparently I can't move or resize the Panel and it's views at runtime. Am I missing something obvious?


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I've been playing around with sizes too and I believe, at least from where I stand, the "sweet" number is 78x78, I will need to try this on different size screens but so far, on my phone and a tablet going by those numbers the widget looks centered.

I applied this formula, (cell-count x 80) - 2

on previous posts I've seen 74 instead of 80 for the same formula, but it looks better using 80.


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Thats the problem we all here have. The same widgets look different on all device resolutions. This is not a B4A issue but an Android issue. It gets even worse when you want to support portrait and landscape mode.

I think it will not look centered anymore when you change to landscape mode on your phone. The formula with 74 is from the official android development documentation.


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This seems to beoverlooked, but in some home replacement apps like ADW, it is possible to define the number of columns for displaying apps icons...I have found that this setting afected the apearance of one of my current home screens widget... leaving a gapp in between the cells...

I'll try to post some images if I can replicate the issue
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I cannot replicate it, seems to have been fixed in more ecent versions of ADW... Still, if we set a widget to its "original" size, to get a normal appearance one has to edit the widgwt on screen and resize it... or it will be down sized


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Ok your tip is really a step in the right direction but it is still static because you have to adjust the inner panel hard to the outer panel. So if your widget runs on another resolution or in landscape mode it is again not correctly centered. I have tried many things but wasn't successful to center a widget automatically in its cell.

I think we badly need layout variants for widgets as I suggested in the "Wishes" forum so we can create a variant for each resolution and for portrait and landscape mode.


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Note that the widget should scale properly on devices with different scales.

Yes, but devices with different screen resolutions have different cell sizes for the widgets. So it is impossible to get the widget centered properly on all resolutions.


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I have a screen where a user can add icons to the widget. But they don't show up unless they delete the widget and re add it. Is there anyway around this without them having to wait half an hour?


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Widget sizes make me crazy...

I have done some more tests now and I have some nice things found out:

In this document they say that in portrait the widget cell size is 80x100 and in landscape it is 104x74. For portrait this seems to be correct on all resolutions. The problem is that on a 240x320 device the widget cells overlap! In landscape the document seems to be wrong for the standard android launcher (in the emulator) because here the cell size seems to be 80x74. On my device with Go-Launcher it seems to be correct with 106x74.

I have written a small test program in B4A to test widget sizes. I had to modify the xmls a bit to get the effect I want. Some screenshots are attached to show you my results:

1. Widget with cyan background: This is a standard widget how it can be created with B4A. This widget is always positioned in the upper left corner and positioning is very limited. The size of this widget is 294x74 (4x1) as suggested by the formula in the development documentation.

2. Widget with red background: This widget has a base panel with "fill_parrent" width and height. This means this widget will cover the complete cell size.

3. Widget with green background: This widget has a base panel with a fixed size of 320x100 dp so it should always cover full 4x1 cells in portrait mode. For landscape this widget is too high.

4. Widget with orange background: This widget is like the third widget but it should fit full 4x1 cells in landscape mode

5. Widget with yellow background: This is a test what can be done manually modifying the xml files. I added two linear layouts (one horizontal and one vertical) around the base panel to center the base panel in the middle of the cell. The base panel has a size of 300x70 dp and is nicely centered in all resolutions and orientations.

If it were christmas I had following wishes:
1. Additional parameters to ConfigureHomeWidget to specify the widget dimension (width, height so you can specify them as 4, 1 for a 4x1 widget). These parameter should be used to calculate the minWidth and minHeight for the widget_info.xml.

2. The compiler should add the trick of the 5th widget with the two linearlayouts that our widgets are always centered in the cells.

3. The compiler should support layout variants so that we can design widget layouts for all device resolutions. Then you can design different widgets layouts for portrait and landscape orientation. And even more important you can design different widget sizes for different resolutions (make your widget smaller on 240x320 devices so that they don't overlap)

I think with this changes widget support would be nearly perfect.

You can see in the screenshots that a 300x70dp widget looks nice on a 240x320 screen in portrait and landscape but leaves much space on a 480x800 screen in portrait mode.

I have added my project folder. I hope the xml files are still read only after unzipping.


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Active Member
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The example [HomeWidgets] to run it works perfectly, but if I add the library [Phone v1.42], I get the following error:

Installing file.
PackageAdded: package:anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.homewidgets
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
** Activity (main) Resume **
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
** Service (widgetservice) Create **
** Service (widgetservice) Start **
widgetservicehandleStart (java line: 61)
java.lang.Exception: Sub service_start signature does not match expected signature.
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent(
at anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.homewidgets.widgetservice.handleStart(
at anywheresoftware.b4a.samples.homewidgets.widgetservice.onStartCommand(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

This behavior only happens to me with the library [phone] the rest are good,
I tested this on a tablet BQ and a HTC firewire. thanks


El ejemplo [HomeWidgets] al ejecutarlo funciona perfectamente, pero si le añado la libreria [Phone v1.42], me da el siguiente error:


este comportamiento solo me sucede con la libreria [phone] el resto van bien, esto lo he probado en una tablet bq y en un telefono HTC firewire. Gracias
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Active Member
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Thanks, that was the problem. Is there any library most affected in the change or was only the phone library?.


Gracias, ese era el problema. Hay alguna libreria mas afectada en el cambio o solo era la libreria phone?.


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Widgets made easy.

Hi Erel,
Just a quick note to thank you very much, indeed, for implementing a painless means of creating attractive widgets.
It is as easy as 1-2-3! I tied a widget with interactive functions to one of my astronomy applications in virtually no time.

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