Android Tutorial Android Live Wallpaper tutorial


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It is the same error (wallpaper.livepicker).
I unmarked the "do not overwrite..." so the manifest file will include reference to the "parm" activity - Yes it is there.

Then I marked the "do not overwrite..." and changed it as prescribed in the tutuorial (minsdkversion, service declarayion,...). and compiled & run again.

LWP does work, but pressing the "setting..." button cause the error.
Remember, the error does NOT occur when the settingsActivity is main (in wallpapwer.xml)

note: the zipping removed the readonly from strings.xml and wallpaper.xml)


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Mading live wallpaper with fluid animations

Good evening Erel,

Please, I would like to know two things:

1-How to created fluid movements with live wallpaper?
I used Engine.Canvas.DrawBitmapRotated(luz, Null, Engine.Rect, Degrees) each 100milisec but it doesnt look fluid...: confused:
there are little jumpings...

2-How to use animation library with live wallpaper?
Could you show us several examples?

Any clue and help will be wellcome

Thank you very much for your help and your support

Best regards
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Good afternoon Erel,

Regarding the first point, I have just found the problem, I put the variables as int, but it works with variables as double. Right now there is not jumpings!!
But What do you recomend to refresh? I mean, with 80miliseconds is enough?, it seems ok to obtain fluid moment, but I dont know if this way reduce the battery so much

On the other hand, it is a pety, maybe is possible use Open GL to create better applications?

Thank you for your help!!


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100 ms wouldn't be very fluid. That's only a framerate of 10.

Try 33 ms.


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A error with the sources of texts and problems with rotating the tablet

Good evening everyone,

I have two questions:

First of all, I think that I have a problem with the sources of the texts...
This is the message:

"Compiling code. 0.02
Using existing AndroidManifest.xml.
(Project - Do Not Overwrite Manifest option is checked)
AndroidManifest-Example.xml file will be created instead.
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 107
Engine.Canvas.DrawText(sentence, X1,Y1,Typeface.STYLE_BOLD,size,,\
javac 1.6.0_26
src\anywheresoftware\b4a\samples\fondovivob\ inconvertible types
found : int
1 error
then when I change my tablet from portrait to landscape the tablet says: aplication stops (what is happening?)

And on the other hand, I dont know how to dont allow the picture rotates when I rotate the tablet, and nether How to change the layout when I rotate the tablet

Thank you very much for your help, like always!!

Best regards


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How do we use the manifest editor to add the XML?
The first post should be altered to show it

I tried:

that worked
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Yeah, I used the manifest editor on a known-working livewallpaper and it broke it. I manually edited the xml file myself and it worked again.

Please update the tutorial with directions on how to use the manifest editor


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Thank you very much, it works!

I have another question... how to save several parameter of a live screen configuration, to use it when the tablet restarts.
I have a problem with the configuration, all work but when I restart my table, the initial configuration appears again but no my last configuration..

Thank you!


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You need to save your config to a file, like a map or ini file.

Sorry... but how to do that in the code?, for example in the LiveWallpaperImage code, to save the imagen, so I will not need to select the imagen each time I restart the tablet, isnt?

PS: I dont have to much experience with the code...

Thank you!


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Live Wall Paper capability

Hello all is it possible to create a wall paper like this with this library?

If so can you guys maybe help me out, I need to make something like this!

thanks all
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