B4A Library Android Logcat viewer

Basic4Android has the useful Log command to supplement Toasts and Msgoxes as debugging aids. Although the Basic4Android IDE has a Logcat viewer I find it annoying to have to keep resizing the right hand panel so I use this instead. I have this open permanently next to one or more copies of my help viewer on my second screen with the IDE on the main one.

If your video card is capable of driving more than one display then I strongly recomend that you get a second display as long as you have room for it. Low end displays are so cheap nowadays that, in my opinion at least, it is well worth the small cost to get that extra screen real estate.

You will probably need to add the folder where adb.exe is located to your system path. Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Setting -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> Select Path in System variables -> Edit. Add a semi-colon to the end then the path to the folder where adb.exe is located.

This is useful to do anyway as it lets you run android.bat and ddms.bat from any command prompt.


  • B4ALogViewer1.3.zip
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is really useful. Has anyone amended the code to use the colour coding as the viewer in B4A does. it looks like this is done using a ~c- prefix in the log text. For example, a line of red text if prefixed with ~c-65535, and blue is ~c-16776961. Please see the attached screenshot. I'm not sure how to work out the colour from these though. Does anyone have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
It works with ADB WiFi too - very handy.

So, after 1 year...Yeah, i can see logs now - but if the USB is connected (only for powering the accu) the tool won't start - after disconnecting it, start and connect via WiFiADB i can plug it in again without any errors.