B4J Question Android push notification (GCM) framework and tutorial


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Hello Erel and everyone who might be able to help me figure this out, i've downloaded both examples the push example and the Pop3 B4J example found on this link, the registration part works just fine, i receive the email letting me know that the device has been registered, the problem is on the B4J part, when i click on the "Click Now" button i start seeing the e-mails on the log window, but i can never see the registered device, the round progress bar keeps turning but i can never see any of the registered devices, i was wondering if Erel or anyone else who has gotten this to work help me figure this out, I will really appreciate it guys.

in Summary everything out works just fine i have placed the required information such as e-mail address password and api key on the B4J pop3 example, and the sender ID on the android push example side, as i mentioned i can see the device being registered since i get an e-mail with the subject "add" but i never see the registered device on the b4j program.

attached is an image of what i get, i can only see the e-mails in the log window.



Thanks all!
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