#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: False
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim OW As OverlayWindow
Dim MaxWidth As Int
Dim InitialPosX, InitialPosY As Int
Dim Timer_Svc As Timer
Dim C As Cache
Dim SB As StringBuilder
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
Service.StartForeground(1, CreateNotification("Tempomaster Setup","","icon60",Main,False,False))
'The timer is used to refresh the information every second
Timer_Svc.Initialize("TimerSvc", 1000)
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
'Stops the timer
Timer_Svc.Enabled = False
'Closes the window
If OW.IsInitialized Then
End If
End Sub
Sub InitWindow
'Creates the overlay window
MaxWidth = GetDeviceLayoutValues.Width
OW.Initialize2(10dip, 10dip, MaxWidth / 2, 60dip, "Pnl")
Dim Pnl As Panel = OW.Panel
Pnl.Color = Colors.ARGB(160, 50, 50, 50)
'Creates the window layout (two labels and two panels)
Dim lblDateTime As Label
lblDateTime.TextColor = Colors.White
Pnl.AddView(lblDateTime, 0, 0, -1, 20dip)
Dim lblFreeMem As Label
lblFreeMem.TextColor = Colors.White
Pnl.AddView(lblFreeMem, 0, 20dip, -1, 20dip)
Dim pnlBackground As Panel
pnlBackground.Color = Colors.Green
Pnl.AddView(pnlBackground, 0, 47dip, -1, 13dip)
Dim pnlProgression As Panel
pnlProgression.Color = Colors.Red
Pnl.AddView(pnlProgression, 0, 47dip, 50dip, 13dip)
'Initializes the information (date/time and free memory)
Dim Ticks As Long = DateTime.Now
lblDateTime.Text = DateTime.Date(Ticks) & " " & DateTime.Time(Ticks)
SB.Append("Free mem: ").Append(Round(C.FreeMemory / 1024)).Append(" Kb")
lblFreeMem.Text = SB.ToString
pnlProgression.Width = (MaxWidth / 2) * (1 - (C.FreeMemory / C.MaxMemory))
End Sub
Sub ShowWindow
If Not(OW.IsInitialized) Then
End If
If Not(OW.IsOpen) Then
End If
OW.Visible = True
' *************************
Timer_Svc.Enabled = True
' *************************
End Sub
Sub TimerSvc_Tick
'Refreshes the date and time
Dim Ticks As Long = DateTime.Now
Dim lblDateTime As Label = OW.Panel.GetView(0)
' lblDateTime.Text = DateTime.Date(Ticks) & " " & DateTime.Time(Ticks)
'Refreshes the free memory amount
Dim lblFreeMem As Label = OW.Panel.GetView(1)
SB.Append("Free mem: ").Append(Round(C.FreeMemory / 1024)).Append(" Kb")
lblFreeMem.Text = SB.ToString
Dim pnlProgression As Panel = OW.Panel.GetView(3)
Dim NewWidth As Int = (MaxWidth / 2) * (1 - (C.FreeMemory / C.MaxMemory))
If pnlProgression.Width <> NewWidth Then
pnlProgression.Width = NewWidth
End If
'Ensures that the window is visible
End Sub