In C there is a way to define text replacement constants:
#define Size 64
any place Size appears it is replaced by 64
This is handy. I have a dozen arrays, all with Size or Size / 2 elements.
I see "DefineExtra:" but it does not seem to do what I think, or I'm doing something wrong. I am using B4A ver 2.51.
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs: True
#CheckArrayBounds: True
#StackBufferSize: 500
#DefineExtra: #define FFT_N 64
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Public wemos As D1Pins
Private pinD3 As Pin ' inp pin for the button
Private pinLED As Pin ' outp pin for LED on the WeMos
Dim d1r(FFT_N) As Int ' <--- This shows as a warning (#8)
Dim d1i(64) As Int ' <--- This is good
End Sub
Is there a way to define a constant then use that to specify Process Global arrays?