If Java 8 is installed then distributing the jar is the simplest solution as the new notarization requirements in MacOS make it quite difficult to distribute apps.
B4J Versione: 8.90
Analisi del Codice. (0.13s)
Java Versione: 14
Building folders structure. (0.09s)
Compilazione del codice. (0.10s)
Compilazione del codice di layouts (0.02s)
Organizzazione Librerie. (0.00s)
Compilazione del codice Java prodotto. (1.78s)
Creazione del jar.file (1.62s)
File Jar creato: C:\Progetti\B4J\Inverter\Objects\Inverter.jar
Applicazione in esecuzione. (0.00s)
Completato con successo.
I recommend B4Jpackager11. It includes all necessary java stuff in one container. So your app will run on any Mac independently of whether Java is installed or not.
You can use Platypus to pack your app as a standalone Mac app with its own icon. If you want to distribute your Mac App through the internet, then you need to sign it. In case you need this feature, here some information (from last year, I didn't need to sign an app since then): http://www.zarkonnen.com/signing_notarizing_catalina
For an example you can see my app and install it: https://www.app-art.ch/downloads/mac/R3/GiroScanBase_v110.dmg