Is there an append for BBCodeView?
I am looping through a database and I want to append the data to the current smart string.
I am trying:
Is this correct? My data keeps shifting on each iteration.
I am looping through a database and I want to append the data to the current smart string.
I am trying:
For x=0 To 6
Dim SenderFilter As Object = mSQL.ExecQueryAsync("SQL", "SELECT * FROM names WHERE id=? ", Array As String("3"))
Wait For (SenderFilter) SQL_QueryComplete (Success As Boolean, rs As ResultSet)
If Success Then
Do While rs.NextRow
BBVersions.Text= BBVersions.text & $"[Alignment=center][TextSize=14][b][color=0xff006688]${rs.getString("LNAME")}[/color][/b][/TextSize][/Alignment]
End If
Is this correct? My data keeps shifting on each iteration.