Dear All,
I'm using ExternalStorage to store text data on my external device (SD card). This works as expected, when a new file is created and the content is written to it. But how can I append text to an existing file?
Here is my sample code:
I'm using ExternalStorage to store text data on my external device (SD card). This works as expected, when a new file is created and the content is written to it. But how can I append text to an existing file?
Here is my sample code:
Write data to external device with ExternalStorage class:
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: SDCard
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: portrait
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
#AdditionalJar: androidx.legacy:legacy-support-core-utils
Sub Process_Globals
Public Storage As ExternalStorage
End Sub
Sub Globals
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
' Create a file on external device in preselected folder
' Output text to it
' Second Step: append additional text
Private cCSV As String, cFileDir As String = "TestDir", cFileCSV As String = "Test.csv"
Private cStoragePath As ExternalFile, extFile As ExternalFile, storedFile As ExternalFile
Private DestinationFile As ExternalFile
Private outputstream As OutputStream, inputstream As InputStream
' Storage initialization for external device
Storage.Initialize (Me, "Storage")
' Wait until external system is available and call user prompt if not
Wait For Storage_ExternalFolderAvailable
' Output file to external storage
cStoragePath = Storage.Root
extFile = Storage.FindDirOrCreate(cStoragePath, cFileDir)
' Find a file in selected folder and delete it if existing
storedFile = Storage.FindFile(extFile,cFileCSV)
If storedFile.IsInitialized = True Then
End If
' Copy a string to inputstream
cCSV = "Header1;Header2" & CRLF & "Value11;Value12" & CRLF & "Value21;Value22"
inputstream = StringToInputStream (cCSV)
' Allocate a new file on external device
DestinationFile = Storage.CreateNewFile(extFile,cFileCSV)
outputstream = Storage.OpenOutputStream(DestinationFile)
' Copy new file to external device
' Close streams
Log ("File '" & cFileCSV & "' created in folder '" & cFileDir & "'")
Log ("Content of 'cCSV' written to File '" & cFileCSV & "'")
' Second step: add text to file
cCSV = "Value31;Value32"
'----------> append data to existing file ????
' Close app
End Sub
Sub StringToInputStream (s As String) As InputStream
' Copy string to inputstream
Dim In As InputStream
Dim data() As Byte = s.GetBytes("UTF8")
In.InitializeFromBytesArray(data, 0, data.Length)
Return In
End Sub