application protect


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I'm going to protect an application. I must store a password inside a variable but it is visible in CLASSES.DEX, I can encrypt it by encryption lib but the key to decrypt is visible in CLASSES.DEX too.
Thank you.


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I have the same problem

data on my protected site can be located in clasess.dex file

because of the following

also username and password used by


and the url is visible


Advise is needed
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While we wait for Erel to provide obfuscation options during compilation, one quick method is to turn off the "Project > Include Debug Information" option.

Not sure what the exact debugging function is supposed to be, but at least my scripts are not visibly seen in CLASSES.DEX when I uncheck the option.
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Protect the app before distribute

Hi all,
From this I understand that the APP is protected if we don't use Debug info.

I hope so that my creation is save to give beta versions away without somebody can go to steal the APP.

Can somebody verify this.

Thanks in advance.

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And How we Protect this

Removing the "debugging information" will make it a bit harder to find important strings in your application. However there are decompilers that can decompile the dex byteconde and fetch some or all of the java code.

Hi Erel,
Is there a possiblity to protect this also that decompilers can not get the code anyhow the try.

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Rick in North Carolina

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Just a note: Unfortunatley, all Android apps are exposed to decompiliers, not just B4A compiled apps. It's best to encrypt any sensitive data in your app to help protect against this threat.
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Just a note: Unfortunatley, all Android apps are exposed to decompiliers, not just B4A compiled apps. It's best to encrypt any sensitive data in your app to help protect against this threat.

Thanks Rick:icon_clap:
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yes, I can encrypt any sensitive data but if I store the key in visible mode this will be visible for all disassemblers. Application users must enter for any launch a encrypt key but this is not always possible.
I tryed to use a very long static var(80 chars) but decompilers do not block and read the value stored in var.
I'll try to obfusc the code.... maybe ...
Any idea ?

ps: Do you know an android compiler to recompile the decompilated source? I'd like to verify if the code changed run in Android Phones.
thank you.
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Rick in North Carolina

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I completely understand. What I did was make my own crazy encryption for strings that I did not want anyone who used a decompilier to be able to see what they are. It is not something that a bank would use to encrypt data, but it's good enough for hiding what the string actually has in it. Try making your own without a key and you may surprise yourself on how diificult it would be for someone to break it .
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Hi Rick,

I hope my English is good enought.
Your teory is very interesting, but I am hard to understand.
I think is possible to hide or to camouflage variables but I think - correct me if I'am wrong - somewhere in code must be a visible algorithm (after decompiling) able to change hide/encrypt var in usable var.

If you prefer do not disclose your method I can understand and then thank you for the idea .
Anyway, whatever suggestion is welcome.
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Rick in North Carolina

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Hi Ciao,

Yes you are correct, there is an algorithm to decrypt, but it can be complex enough to not be obvious on how it works. Also the Sub can be named something simple like "English_to_French" that has nothing to do with what it actually is, to make it hard to follow the code. Anything that makes it more difficult to follow the code is what I'm trying to do. I also use the byteconverter lib, so someone would have to know how they work to understand the algorithm. Again, I'm not making an application for a Bank or financial data, I just don't want a curious programmer or engineer to look at my decompiled application and be easy to see what I did. Good Luck.
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