When I try to change the text color of the tabs after loading the layout, the changes do not take place, they take place when selecting another tab manually.
Sub CustomTab(TabMenu As ASTabMenu)
TabMenu.TabStripMode = True
TabMenu.text_font = xui.CreateFont2(CustomFontB4X, TabMenu.text_font.Size * 0.8)
TabMenu.TabTextColor = xui.Color_Gray '<-- doesn't work
TabMenu.SelectedTabTextColor = xui.Color_Green '<-- doesn't work
TabMenu.UnderLineHeight = 5dip
TabMenu.UnderLineColor = xui.Color_LightGray
TabMenu.SetTab(TabMenu.CurrentIndex, False, False)
End Sub
A container view controller that manages a multiselection interface, where the selection determines which child view controller to display. This view was developed and structured from scratch :) i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to...