Hi to all
I am using AsViewerPage component (Alexander stolte library) in a b4J project
This run on a Touch PanelPC.
The passage from one page to another must take place only from code, but if I drag the page with my finger, they scroll and this must not happen.
How i can consume or block event in TouchBegin?
just to clarify
the IgnorePageChangedEvent property, does not resolve the problem.
The passage from one page to another must take place only from code, but if I drag the page with my finger, they scroll and this must not happen.
How i can consume or block event in TouchBegin?
The scrolling is not done by the library, but by the xCustomListView (on B4J based on ScrollPane) in the background.
but how to stop the touch there, I do not know.
The scrolling is not done by the library, but by the xCustomListView (on B4J based on ScrollPane) in the background.
but how to stop the touch there, I do not know.
the problem is that it is a project that took me a long time and I developed it on this library (AsViewPager), if I knew this problem I would have looked for another solution.
the problem is that it is a project that took me a long time and I developed it on this library (AsViewPager), if I knew this problem I would have looked for another solution.
maybe someone else has a solution, you can make a new thread, how to disable the touch on scrollpane on touch devices.
I have unfortunately no way to test this, because I do not have a touch device with windows.
I am writing an application that uses the Scrollpane with a vertical scrollbar. The user manipulates objects on the screen though standard dragging (mouse_dragged/mouse_released events) The problem is that a vertical drag also causes scrolling. Basically I need a way to inhibit the Scrollpane...
but not work
Each page I load inside ASViewPager has a main Pane but the only event I can use for these Pane is the Touch but not the Mousexxxxx.
But the Touch event does not have the EventData parameter to be able to consume the event.
Other solutions?
Subject: Routine to enable mouse events being transmitted to underlying nodes. In B4J, when a node covers other nodes, like a Pane, the mouse events are not submitted to underlying nodes. This is the same as in B4i, it is inverse in B4A. In B4i, you can use the UserInteractionEnabled property...
Dim jo As JavaObject = AsViewPager1.CustomListView.sv
jo.RunMethod("setMouseTransparent", Array(True))
This seems like a very elementary question but I have seen no explanation or example of it: How can I add a Label to a ScrollPane? Unlike "Pane", ScrollPane has no "AddNode". None of the available parameters for ScrollPane seem to apply to this. So far, I have only done this using SceneBuilder...
Hi Alexander
As you well know this also disables the Click event on other views and playing with the MousEneterd and MouseExit events to enable or disable the mouse sometimes causes unwanted sistuations, then this method is not optimal.
Let's see what else to do .....