Sometimes, meanwhile i work with AttributedString, i need to start more Span for a single Text, or i need to load a string from database o file (for example for translate). So i want to share this simple class, that for sure can be extended with other method. This helps to start a span for each words between marker, like RichString.
Is very easy to use
Class uses Regex, so we can't use "{" "}" as marker
Is very easy to use
Dim l As Label
Dim st As String = "Very short {b} Text {b} but i {b} want {b} to use Span!"
Dim at As AttributedStringPlus
at.Initialize( st.Replace("{b}","<b>"),Font.CreateNew(13),0xff424242)
l.AttributedText = at.FormatFont(Font.CreateNewBold(14),"<b>")
Class uses Regex, so we can't use "{" "}" as marker
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