iOS Tutorial Automating the iLibrary Creating with XCODE

The process to creating a B4i Library after build a objectiveC Code is:

Locating the .a and .h files, copy this files to a folder in a another folder with B4Ih2xml.jar and iCore.h

Execute the command java -jar B4Ih2xml.jar test.h test.xml

to create the .xml file

then copy .a and .h into the LIBS folder of the B4i-SERVER to compile your projects
then copy .xml into the B4i folder extra libraries.

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(


You can put this simple script in your XCODE Project to do this steps easily.

In the "TARGETS -> BUILD PHASES" add a "NEW RUN SCRIPT PHASE" push the "+" button on the top, and when appear "RUN SCRIPT" put this lines:

You need to change ONLY the green lines with your project and server paths

printf "****** SCRIPT AFTER BUILD ***************************\n"
echo -n "Target Directory:" ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} && printf "\n"
echo -n "Product Name:" ${PRODUCT_NAME} && printf "\n"
printf "*****************************************************\n"



echo -n "FolderOutputXML:" ${FolderOutputXML} && printf "\n"
echo -n "FolderOutputLIBSB4SERVER:" ${FolderOutputLIBSB4SERVER} && printf "\n"
echo -n "FolderOutputLIBSB4IEXTRA:" ${FolderOutputLIBSB4IEXTRA} && printf "\n"
printf "*****************************************************\n\n"

scp ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${FileA} ${FolderOutputXML}
scp ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/include/${PRODUCT_NAME}/${FileH} ${FolderOutputXML}

java -jar ${FolderOutputXML}B4Ih2xml.jar ${FolderOutputXML}${FileH} ${FolderOutputXML}${FileXML}

scp ${FolderOutputXML}/${FileH} ${FolderOutputLIBSB4SERVER}
scp ${FolderOutputXML}/${FileA} ${FolderOutputLIBSB4SERVER}
scp ${FolderOutputXML}/${FileXML} ${FolderOutputLIBSB4IEXTRA}

look in a screenshot

This script too facilitates the library creation process.

Hope that helps everyone
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