This is is a wrap for the Firebase RealtimeDatabase. Please click here to donate for my work to write the wrapper (You can donate any amount you want :) but the minimum donation should be $10 for this Library) Please note that this version is not known as stable but - for me - it seems to be...
Hello, I've been working with Firebase's realtimedatabase this week. There is no example yet of how to create rooms and send messages, but it is important for anyone who wants to make a chat in his App, for this reason I make an example of it. I oriented myself on this example. And thanks...
Hello, A nice feature is to display whether a user is typing or not. Most apps have a bubble added or by WhatsApp is a simple "wrtiting.." on top. This is the result of this Tutorial: For the Tutorial how to create a room and create messages in there click here. You can use it here. and...
Hello, a another Tutorial in the category how to program a nice chat app. This Tutorial builds on this. The Realtimedatabase lib. supports filtering, with this feature you can filter your content output, DonManfred has already published a small code snippet about it. this filters are...
Hi, I decided to post this working example in the hopes that it can be useful to some people, and also maybe eventually someone will update it. I find database one of the most useful things in Firebase and maybe you do too. After getting frustrated with the almost working firebase realtime...