All I wanted to do was swap tasks. ALT-TAB. Simple. Convention and logic since the day GUIs started. A programmer must program correctly, what I think is poor is that most people these days use wizards and controls. I used to program with pixels, why do people think everything should come on a silver platter?
If I understood correctly that the issue is switching (swapping) between apps, then long-click on the devices menu and click on the app that you wish to switch to (your current app will still be running).
BTW: I programmed with binary (below assembler) back in 1983
3E F7
D3 8C
I was entering the HEX code directly to the memory using EPROM programmer
Then I modernized myself and programmed with Assembler as high level language:
LD A, 7F
LD HL, 6A 97
DJNZ (Decrement and Jump if Not equal to Zero)
How did you program with pixels? you mean you (programmed pixels)? I don't remember any language or CPU instruction set that has instructions in pixels.
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