Android Tutorial B4A Beginners Guide


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:sign0098:Thanks very much for the walk through guys, it's been a pleasure to get started.
I can't imagine how much time and effort you have put into the product - its very impressive.
Best wishes to all the team.


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the contents addition

Hi Klaus,
I have donwload your Guide.It 's useful.But I need you add the contents belows
1.How to create own Library?
2.Talk about UTF without BOM encoding for non-english developler,someone have my same problem.

P.S. I would like someone who is good at English help me to translate your guide to Thai

Best Regards


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Still wish add How to create Library

This is far beyond a beginners level.

I will add it to the Text encoding chapter.

Best regards.

Hi Klaus,
I like your technique and your programming. I follow your codes every threads.
I wish you add How to create Library only simple example. I think that help my stupid me to clever.
P.S. If you don't write this, I think that no one write this.This Knowledge is lost.
I forget,Please add How to create Help document in the program and How to print out via bluetooth printer with give example too.
Best Regards
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Thx, and a few quirks

Hi Klaus,

Thank you very much for this great guide. I just go thru it the first time, so I will take the chance to give some first read comments:

On page 7 you are writing about Java 7 64-Bit:
Android SDK doesn't work with Java 64bit JDK.
You should install the regular JDK for 64-bit computers as well.

In the same directory?

Later on (page 9 under common errors) you mention that Android SDK does only work with Java 6. So should I install v6, too or instead?

Page 9:
Screenshot and path sample is:

The windows is by default no longer in the path. So it will be:

Thank you,


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Hi melmac3r,
Welcome to the Basic4Android community and thank you for your comments.
Later on (page 9 under common errors) you mention that Android SDK does only work with Java 6. So should I install v6, too or instead?
This is no more valid. I have removed it for the next update.

Concerning the screenshot with the Path configuration it depends on what version is installed.
It can be:

I will check it and adapt the text.

Best regards and thank you again.


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Typo spotted in PDF..

I've recently bought B4A, and after trying "Hello World", started going through the guide.
On page 61 (v.2.2), it says:
Modify 'EventName' to the EventName of the button, 'bntOK' in our case.
- should be 'btnOK'.
Also, on page 79 it says:
PerXToCurrent(50) means 50% of the Activity widht.
Thanks for the guide. I've been using B4PPC for a while, so some parts are familiar, but there's plenty of new things to learn about Android..
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I am working on a new set of documentation for the Core Keywords, and would like to know your opinion.

The differences with this documentation is that each keyword will have the same level of information. In addition, each keyword is on it's own page. The plan is to put all of this information into the Wiki in exactly the same format.

Here is what I have for Abs:

What do you think?



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I find that you would spend a lot of time to reproduce something already existing.
I agree with Erel that the maintenace of the documentation will be a problem.

Did you have a look at this program B4A XML file help viewer ?
Advantage, the source is the official documentation and it's off line.
On my computer this program runs all time when I do any programing.

Best regards.


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To be honest, I don't like the formatting for the official documentation.

However as I know and understand that criticism is usually viewed negatively, someone offering help or at least constructive criticism is usually viewed more favorably.

So, in line with the above, I was offering to put new documentation together, both in a downloadable and also online manner.

But it looks like it is in vain. I agree that documentation created from the Java files is better, however, how often is there a point release? Not that often that the documentation couldn't be updated in a timely manner (I would think anyway).

If Erel doesn't want to change things that's cool. I will just finish it and keep it to myself.
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