Android Question B4A Job Opportunity

Gary Beene

New Member
I'm interested in having a simple app written in B4A.

I want the app to display the Camera and two buttons - SEND and EXIT.

SEND sends a snapshot of the Camera by Email or Text Message (whichever is easier, perhaps both). The email and phone number of the recipient are to be hard-coded into the app. EXIT closes the app.

That's pretty much it.

Eventually I might want to modify the app code myself, but for now having someone get the basic functionality working is all I need.

I'm not sure of the Forum requirements for such a posting. Assuming it's ok, here is my email address to where you can send questions or a quotation:

Gary Beene

New Member
I should mention that the users of this app will be legally blind, hence the need for a minimal user interface. The SEND and EXIT buttons would need to be large, perhaps about an inch in height. The camera would fill the rest of the screen.
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Hi, best not post your e-mail address for bot harvesting reasons. Suggest people DM you, or disguise the address like 'gbeene at airmail dot net' , but bots are probably wise to that trick!
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