B4A Library [B4A] [XUI] BMPopUp v1.2


Hello everyone, it is a pleasure for me to show you my first library for B4A.
BMPopUp is a library that will allow you to create PopUp messages in your applications. You can change the look as you like.

Thanks in advance for visiting I hope you like it.

ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).gif

Normal PopUp: PopUp With Accept Button:
Captura de pantalla_20230131_040520.png
Captura de pantalla_20230131_040536.png

Collapsed Notification:
Captura de pantalla_20230210_215429.png

Expanded Notification:
Captura de pantalla_20230210_215439.png

Multiples notifications:


Notification Glass Effect:


  • BMPopUp
    • Click (PopUp As BMPopUp)
    • Show (PopUp As BMPopUp)
    • Hide (PopUp As BMPopUp, Manual as Boolean) As Boolea)
    • Answer (PopUp As BMPopUp, Answer As Int)
    • Ticks (PopUp As BMPopUp, Ticks as Long As )
    • CustomAnimation (PopUp As BMPopUp, Ticks as Long As )
    • Expanded (PopUp As BMPopUp)
    • Collapsed (PopUp As BMPopUp)
    • Click (PopUp As BMPopUp, Btn as Button As )
    • LongClick (PopUp As BMPopUp, Btn as Button As )
    • Click (PopUp As BMPopUp, lbl as Label As )
    • LongClick (PopUp As BMPopUp, lbl as Label As )
    • TextChanged (PopUp As BMPopUp, Text as String As )
    • TextChanged (PopUp As BMPopUp, Text as String As )
    • EnterPressed (PopUp As BMPopUp)
    • FocusChanged (PopUp As BMPopUp, HasChanged as Boolean As )
    • Fields:
    • _isswipeable As boolean
    • _mView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper
    • _mParent As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ActivityWrapper
    • _meventname As String
    • _mcallback As Object
    • _mtag As Object
    • _progress As int
    • _iscustom As boolean
    • _isvisible As boolean
    • _isstop As boolean
    • _lblicon As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
    • _lblcontent As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
    • _lbltitle As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
    • _lblclose As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
    • _pnlbackground As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.PanelWrapper
    • _lblaccept As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
    • _lblcancel As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
    • _lblneutral As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
    • _swipeable_vertical As int
    • _swipeable_horizontal As int
    • _h_top As int
    • _h_center As int
    • _h_bottom As int
    • _answer_accept As int
    • _answer_cancel As int
    • _answer_neutral As int
    • _style_normal As int
    • _style_accept As int
    • _style_acceptcancel As int
    • _style_acceptcancelneutral As int
    • _style_custom As int
    • _animation_flat As int
    • _animation_fadein As int
    • _animation_fadeout As int
    • _animation_bouncedown As int
    • _animation_bounceup As int
    • _animation_shake As int
    • _animation_carddown As int
    • _animation_cardup As int
    • _animation_alert As int
    • _animation_carnival As int
    • _animation_smoothdown As int
    • _animation_smoothup As int
    • _animation_vertical As int
    • _animation_verticalclose As int
    • _animation_bouncein As int
    • _animation_bounceout As int
    • _animation_custom As int
    • _customviews As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.collections.List
    • _isexpanded As boolean
    • _lst As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.collections.List
    • Methods:
    • IsInitialized As boolean
      Prueba si acaso el objeto ha sido inicializado.
    • _add (PopUp As b4a.insidecode.bmpopup) As String
      Add PopUp for show Multiples PopUp DropDown effect.
    • _addbottomanchorview (oView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper) As String
      Only for CustomsPopUp
      Attach a view to parent size Top-Bottom, if parent Height change, your view Height will change too.
    • _addbottompositionviews (oView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper) As String
      Only for CustomsPopUp
      Attach a view to Bottom side of a parent, if parent height change, your view top will change too.
    • _addbutton (EventName As String, X As int, Y As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ButtonWrapper
      Create a Button and add it into the PopUp
    • _addcentralizeview (oView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper) As String
    • _addcustomview (oView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper, EventName As String, X As int, Y As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper
      Create a CustomView and add it into the PopUp
    • _addedittext (EventName As String, X As int, Y As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.EditTextWrapper
      Create a ImageView and add it into the PopUp
    • _addimageview (EventName As String, X As int, Y As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ImageViewWrapper
      Create a ImageView and add it into the PopUp
    • _addlabel (EventName As String, X As int, Y As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.LabelWrapper
      Create a Label and add it into the PopUp
    • _addrightanchorview (oView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper) As String
      Only for CustomsPopUp
      Attach a view to parent size Left-Right, if parent width change, your view width will change too.
    • _addrightpositionviews (oView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper) As String
      Only for CustomsPopUp
      Attach a view to Right side of a parent, if parent width change, your view left will change too.
    • _border (Radius As int, BorderWidth As int, ColorBorder As int) As String
      Set Custom PopUp Border
    • _bouncein (Duration As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ResumableSubWrapper
    • _bounceout (Duration As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ResumableSubWrapper
    • _changesize (Width As int, Height As int) As String
      Change size of a popup.
      May use it after Show
    • _class_globals As String
    • _collapse (Interval As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ResumableSubWrapper
      Collapse the PopUp to original Height Size
    • _converttickstoseconds (t As long) As int
      Convert Milliseconds to Seconds
    • _customanimation (SubName As String, Interval As int) As String
      Set Custom PopUp Animation Sub
    • _expand (Cant As int, Interval As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ResumableSubWrapper
      Expand the PopUp to any Height Size
    • _fillimagetoview (bmp As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper.B4XBitmapWrapper, ImageView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper
    • _fitimagetoview (bmp As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper.B4XBitmapWrapper, ImageView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper) As String
    • _getappheader As boolean
    • _getbackcolor As int
    • _getblureffect As boolean
    • _getblurscale As int
    • _getclose As boolean
    • _getcustomviewbyeventname (EventName As String) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper
      Get a CustomView by EventName
    • _getcustomviewbyindex (Index As int) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper
      Get a CustomView by Index
      getCustomViewbyEventName(EventName As String) is better recommended
    • _getduration As int
    • _getheight As int
    • _getisswipeable As boolean
    • _getleft As int
    • _getmessage As String
    • _getmessagecolor As Object
    • _getstyle As int
    • _getswipeorientation As int
    • _gettag As Object
    • _gettitle As String
    • _gettitlecolor As Object
    • _gettop As int
    • _getwidth As int
    • _glasseffect (GlassScale As int, Mode As String) As b4a.insidecode.bmpopup
      Set Glass Effect
      Glass Scale (0 - 255) Opacity
      GlassColor = [ligth, dark, dominant]
    • _glasseffectdominantgradient (GlassScale As int, Orientation As String) As b4a.insidecode.bmpopup
    • _glasseffectgradient (GlassScale As int, ColorList As int[], Orientation As String) As b4a.insidecode.bmpopup
      Set Glass Effect
      Glass Scale (0 - 255) Opacity
      ColorList = Array as Int()
      Orientation = [TOP_BOTTOM,LEFT_RIGHT, ETC...)
    • _hide (Manual As boolean) As anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ResumableSubWrapper
      Hide the PopUp.
    • _initialize (ba As anywheresoftware.b4a.BA, Parent As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ActivityWrapper, EventName As String, CallBack As Object) As String
      Initialize PopUp parameters needed.
    • _inttodip (Integer As int) As int
    • _reset As String
      Reset the PopUp Timer.
    • _resume As String
      Continuous PopUp Timer at the moment of Stop
    • _scalebitmap (Image As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.drawable.CanvasWrapper.BitmapWrapper, Width As int, Height As int, Filter As boolean) As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.drawable.CanvasWrapper.BitmapWrapper
    • _setanimationin (Animation As int) As String
    • _setanimationout (Animation As int) As String
      Set the PopUpOut Animation.
    • _setappheader (Header As boolean) As String
      Set or Get if you project have header
    • _setbackcolor (Color As int) As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Background Color
    • _setbackgroundimage (Background As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper.B4XBitmapWrapper) As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Background Image
    • _setblureffect (Blur As boolean) As String
      Set or Get Blur Effect
    • _setblurscale (Scale As int) As String
      Set or Get Blur Scale Effect
    • _setclose (Close As boolean) As String
      Set / Get if the PopUp have a close button
    • _setduration (Seconds As int) As String
      Set the PopUp Duration (Seconds).
    • _setgradientbackground (pnl As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper, Clrs As int[], Orientation As String) As String
    • _setheight (Height As int) As String
      Set or Get Height of a Custom PopUp
    • _seticon (Icon As String) As String
      Set the PopUp Icon
    • _seticoncolor (Color As int) As String
      Set the PopUp Icon Color
    • _setisswipeable (ItIs As boolean) As String
      Set or Get isSwipeable
    • _setleft (Left As int) As String
      Set or Get Left of a Custom PopUp
    • _setmessage (Text As String) As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Message
    • _setmessagecolor (Color As Object) As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Message Color
    • _setposition (Position As int) As String
      Set the PopUp Position.
      -H_TOP (DEFAULT) = 0 : Top of the Parent
      -H_CENTER = 1 : Center of the Parent
      -H_BOTTOM = 2 : Bottom of the Parent
    • _setshadow (oView As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper, Offset As double, Color As int) As String
    • _setstyle (Style As int) As String
      Set the PopUp Style.
      The Event
      -STYLE_NORMAL (DEFAULT) : Normal Style.
      -STYLE_ACCEEPT : With accept button.
      -STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCEL : With accept and cancel button.
      -STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCELNEUTRAL : With accept, cancel and neutral buttton.
    • _setswipeorientation (Orientation As int) As String
      Set or Get Swipe Orientation
    • _settag (Tag As Object) As String
      Set / Get the PopUp Tag
    • _settitle (Title As String) As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Title
    • _settitlecolor (Color As Object) As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Title Color
    • _settop (Top As int) As String
      Set or Get Top of a Custom PopUp
    • _setwidth (Width As int) As String
      Set or Get Width of a Custom PopUp
    • _show As void
      Show the PopUp.
    • _show2 As anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ResumableSubWrapper
      Show the Custom PopUp.
    • _show3 (WaitTime As int) As void
      Show Multiples Custom PopUp DropDown effect.
    • _size As int
    • _stop As String
      Stop the PopUp Timer.
    • _updateviews As String
      Update all CustomViews positions and anchors
    • _view As anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper
      Get the PopUp View
    • _vscreenadjust As String
      Adjust popup to vertical center.
      May use it after Show
    • _vscreencentralize As String
      Adjust popup to vertical center.
      May use it after Show
    • Properties:
    • _appheader As boolean
      Set or Get if you project have header
    • _backcolor As int
      Set or Get the PopUp Background Color
    • _blureffect As boolean
      Set or Get Blur Effect
    • _blurscale As int
      Set or Get Blur Scale Effect
    • _close As boolean
      Set / Get if the PopUp have a close button
    • _duration As int
      Set the PopUp Duration (Seconds).
    • _height As int
      Set or Get Height of a Custom PopUp
    • _left As int
      Set or Get Left of a Custom PopUp
    • _message As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Message
    • _messagecolor As Object
      Set or Get the PopUp Message Color
    • _style As int
      Set the PopUp Style.
      The Event
      -STYLE_NORMAL (DEFAULT) : Normal Style.
      -STYLE_ACCEEPT : With accept button.
      -STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCEL : With accept and cancel button.
      -STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCELNEUTRAL : With accept, cancel and neutral buttton.
    • _swipeorientation As int
      Set or Get Swipe Orientation
    • _tag As Object
      Set / Get the PopUp Tag
    • _title As String
      Set or Get the PopUp Title
    • _titlecolor As Object
      Set or Get the PopUp Title Color
    • _top As int
      Set or Get Top of a Custom PopUp
    • _width As int
      Set or Get Width of a Custom PopUp
    • _animationin As void
      PopUp.Animation = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT</code>
    • _animationout As void
      Set the PopUpOut Animation.
    • _backgroundimage As void
      Set or Get the PopUp Background Image
    • _icon As void
      Set the PopUp Icon
    • _iconcolor As void
      Set the PopUp Icon Color
    • _position As void
      Set the PopUp Position.
      -H_TOP (DEFAULT) = 0 : Top of the Parent
      -H_CENTER = 1 : Center of the Parent
      -H_BOTTOM = 2 : Bottom of the Parent
[*]addCustomView (oView As B4XView, EventName As String, X As Int, Y As Int) As B4XView
Create a CustomView and add it into the PopUp
[*]addEditText (EventName As String, X As Int, Y As Int) As EditText
Create a ImageView and add it into the PopUp
[*]addImageView (EventName As String, X As Int, Y As Int) As ImageView
Create a Label and add it into the PopUp
[*]addLabel (EventName As String, X As Int, Y As Int) As Label
Create a Label and add it into the PopUp
[*]addRightAnchorView (oView As B4XView) As String
Only for CustomsPopUp
Attach a view to parent size Left-Right, if parent width change, your view width will change too.
[*]addRightPositionViews (oView As B4XView) As String
Only for CustomsPopUp
Attach a view to Right side of a parent, if parent width change, your view left will change too.
[*]Border (Radius As Int, BorderWidth As Int, ColorBorder As Int) As String
Set Custom PopUp Border
[*]BounceIn (Duration As Int) As ResumableSub
[*]BounceOut (Duration As Int) As ResumableSub
[*]changeSize (Width As Int, Height As Int) As String
Change size of a popup.
May use it after Show
[*]Class_Globals As String
[*]Collapse (Interval As Int) As ResumableSub
Collapse the PopUp to original Height Size
[*]ConvertTicksToSeconds (t As Long) As Int
Convert Milliseconds to Seconds
[*]CustomAnimation (SubName As String, Interval As Int) As String
Set Custom PopUp Animation Sub
[*]Expand (Cant As Int, Interval As Int) As ResumableSub
Expand the PopUp to any Height Size
[*]getAppHeader As Boolean
[*]getBackColor As Int
[*]getBlurEffect As Boolean
[*]getBlurScale As Int
[*]getClose As Boolean
[*]getCustomViewbyEventName (EventName As String) As B4XView
Get a CustomView by EventName
[*]getCustomViewbyIndex (Index As Int) As B4XView
Get a CustomView by Index
[*]getDuration As Int
[*]getHeight As Int
[*]getIsSwipeable As Boolean
[*]getLeft As Int
[*]getMessage As String
[*]getMessageColor As Object
[*]getStyle As Int
[*]getSwipeOrientation As Int
[*]getTag As Object
[*]getTitle As String
[*]getTitleColor As Object
[*]getTop As Int
[*]getWidth As Int
[*]Hide (Manual As Boolean)
Hide the PopUp.
[*]Initialize (Parent As Activity, EventName As String, CallBack As Object) As String
Initialize PopUp parameters needed.
[*]IsInitialized As Boolean
Prueba si acaso el objeto ha sido inicializado.
[*]Reset As String
Reset the PopUp Timer.
[*]Resume As String
Continuous PopUp Timer at the moment of Stop
[*]setAnimationIn (Animation As Int) As String
[*]setAnimationOut (Animation As Int) As String
Set the PopUpOut Animation.

Notif.Animation = Notif.ANIMATION_FLAT
[*]setAppHeader (Header As Boolean) As String
Set or Get if you project have header
[*]setBackColor (Color As Int) As String
Set or Get the PopUp Background Color
[*]setBackgroundImage (Background As B4XBitmap) As String
Set or Get the PopUp Background Image
[*]setBlurEffect (Blur As Boolean) As String
Set or Get Blur Effect
[*]setBlurScale (Scale As Int) As String
Set or Get Blur Scale Effect
[*]setClose (Close As Boolean) As String
Set / Get if the PopUp have a close button
[*]setDuration (Seconds As Int) As String
Set the PopUp Duration (Seconds).
[*]setHeight (Height As Int) As String
Set or Get Height of a Custom PopUp
[*]setIcon (Icon As String) As String
Set the PopUp Icon
[*]setIconColor (Color As Int) As String
Set the PopUp Icon Color
[*]setIsSwipeable (ItIs As Boolean) As String
Set or Get isSwipeable
[*]setLeft (Left As Int) As String
Set or Get Left of a Custom PopUp
[*]setMessage (Text As String) As String
Set or Get the PopUp Message
[*]setMessageColor (Color As Object) As String
Set or Get the PopUp Message Color
[*]setPosition (Position As Int) As String
Set the PopUp Position.
-H_TOP (DEFAULT) = 0 : Top of the Parent
-H_CENTER = 1 : Center of the Parent
-H_BOTTOM = 2 : Bottom of the Parent
[*]setStyle (Style As Int) As String
Set the PopUp Style.
The Event
-STYLE_ACCEEPT : With accept button.
-STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCEL : With accept and cancel button.
-STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCELNEUTRAL : With accept, cancel and neutral buttton.
[*]setSwipeOrientation (Orientation As Int) As String
Set or Get Swipe Orientation
[*]setTag (Tag As Object) As String
Set / Get the PopUp Tag
[*]setTitle (Title As String) As String
Set or Get the PopUp Title
[*]setTitleColor (Color As Object) As String
Set or Get the PopUp Title Color
[*]setTop (Top As Int) As String
Set or Get Top of a Custom PopUp
[*]setWidth (Width As Int) As String
Set or Get Width of a Custom PopUp
Show the PopUp.
Show the Custom PopUp.
[*]Stop As String
Stop the PopUp Timer.
[*]UpdateViews As String
Update all CustomViews positions and anchors
[*]View As B4XView
Get the PopUp View
[*]VScreenAdjust As String
Adjust popup to vertical center.
May use it after Show
[*]VScreenCentralize As String
Adjust popup to vertical center.
May use it after Show
  • AnimationIn

    Notif.Animation = Notif.ANIMATION_FLAT
  • AnimationOut
    Set the PopUpOut Animation.

    Notif.Animation = Notif.ANIMATION_FLAT
  • AppHeader As Boolean
    Set or Get if you project have header
  • BackColor As Int
    Set or Get the PopUp Background Color
  • BackgroundImage
    Set or Get the PopUp Background Image
  • BlurEffect As Boolean
    Set or Get Blur Effect
  • BlurScale As Int
    Set or Get Blur Scale Effect
  • Close As Boolean
    Set / Get if the PopUp have a close button
  • Duration As Int
    Set the PopUp Duration (Seconds).
  • Height As Int
    Set or Get Height of a Custom PopUp
  • Icon
    Set the PopUp Icon
  • IconColor
    Set the PopUp Icon Color
  • Left As Int
    Set or Get Left of a Custom PopUp
  • Message As String
    Set or Get the PopUp Message
  • MessageColor As Object
    Set or Get the PopUp Message Color
  • Position
    Set the PopUp Position.
    -H_TOP (DEFAULT) = 0 : Top of the Parent
    -H_CENTER = 1 : Center of the Parent
    -H_BOTTOM = 2 : Bottom of the Parent

    Notif.Position = Notif.H_TOP
  • Style As Int
    Set the PopUp Style.
    The Event
    -STYLE_NORMAL (DEFAULT) : Normal Style.
    -STYLE_ACCEEPT : With accept button.
    -STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCEL : With accept and cancel button.
    -STYLE_ACCEEPTCANCELNEUTRAL : With accept, cancel and neutral buttton.

    Notif.Style = Notif.STYLE_NORMAL
  • SwipeOrientation As Int
    Set or Get Swipe Orientation
  • Tag As Object
    Set / Get the PopUp Tag
  • Title As String
    Set or Get the PopUp Title
  • TitleColor As Object
    Set or Get the PopUp Title Color
  • Top As Int
    Set or Get Top of a Custom PopUp
  • Width As Int
    Set or Get Width of a Custom PopUp

Public Sub NormalPopUp
    Public Notif As BMPopUp
    Notif.Initialize(Activity, "Notif", Me)
    Notif.Title = "Normal PopUp"
    Notif.Message ="Test message!"
    Notif.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(150,Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))
    Notif.MessageColor = Colors.White
    Notif.TitleColor = Colors.White
    Notif.Icon = Chr(0xF209)
    Notif.IconColor = Colors.White
    Notif.Position = Rnd(0,3)
    Notif.Duration = 5
    Notif.Close = True
    Notif.Style = Notif.STYLE_NORMAL
    Notif.Tag = "Helow message!"
End Sub

Public Sub PopUpAccept
    Public Notif2 As BMPopUp
    Notif2.Initialize(Activity, "Notif2", Me)
    Notif2.Title = "Accept PopUp"
    Notif2.Message ="Test message!"
    Notif2.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(150,Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))
    Notif2.MessageColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.TitleColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.Icon = Chr(0xF209)
    Notif2.IconColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.Position = Rnd(0,3)
    Notif2.Duration = 5
    Notif2.Close = True
    Notif2.Style = Notif2.STYLE_ACCEPT
    Notif2.Tag = "Accept Tag!"
End Sub

Public Sub PopUpAcceptCancel
    Public Notif2 As BMPopUp
    Notif2.Initialize(Activity, "Notif2", Me)
    Notif2.Title = "AcceptCancel PopUp"
    Notif2.Message ="Test message!"
    Notif2.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(150,Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))
    Notif2.MessageColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.TitleColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.Icon = Chr(0xF209)
    Notif2.IconColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.Position = Rnd(0,3)
    Notif2.Duration = 5
    Notif2.Close = True
    Notif2.Style = Notif2.STYLE_ACCEPTCANCEL
    Notif2.Tag = "AcceptCancel Tag!"
End Sub

Public Sub PopUpAcceptCancelNeutral
    Public Notif2 As BMPopUp
    Notif2.Initialize(Activity, "Notif2", Me)
    Notif2.Title = "AcceptCancelNeutral PopUp"
    Notif2.Message ="Test message!"
    Notif2.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(150,Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))
    Notif2.MessageColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.TitleColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.Icon = Chr(0xF209)
    Notif2.IconColor = Colors.White
    Notif2.Position = Rnd(0,3)
    Notif2.Duration = 5
    Notif2.Close = True
    Notif2.Tag = "AcceptCancelNeutral Tag!"
End Sub

When Click on PopUp:
Private Sub Notif_Click (Popup As BMPopUp)
    Popup.BackColor =  Colors.Green
    Popup.Icon = Chr(0xF00C)
    Popup.Title = "Success!"
    Popup.Message = "You click this message!"

End Sub

When Click on AnswerButton:
Private Sub Notif2_Answer(PopUp As BMPopUp, Answer As Int)

    Dim Icon As String = ""
    Dim Color As Int = Colors.Black
    Dim Title As String = ""
    Select Answer
        Case PopUp.ANSWER_ACCEPT
            Icon = Chr(0xF00C)
            Color = 0xFF359427
            Title = "ACCEPT!"
        Case PopUp.ANSWER_CANCEL
            Icon = Chr(0xF00D)
            Color = 0xFF943228
            Title = "CANCEL!"
        Case PopUp.ANSWER_NEUTRAL
            Icon = Chr(0xF209)
            Color = 0xFF897521
            Title = "NEUTRAL!"
    End Select
    PopUp.BackColor =  Color
    PopUp.Icon = Icon
    PopUp.Title = Title
    PopUp.Message = "You choose your option"

End Sub

PopUp with expand effect:

Captura de pantalla_20230210_215429.png

Captura de pantalla_20230210_215439.png

    Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 100%x
    PopUp.Height = 110dip
    PopUp.Duration = 7
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_SMOOTHDOWN
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_SMOOTHUP
    PopUp.BackColor = 0xE1275A75
    Dim Logo As ImageView = PopUp.addImageView("Logo", 40%x,5)
    Dim img As Bitmap
    Logo.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
    Logo.Width = 24dip
    Logo.Height = 24dip
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",Logo.Left / 1.5,25dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum"
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 14
    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",5%x,60dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"
    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
    CustomText.Width = PopUp.Width * .90
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomText.TextSize = 12
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.tOP
    CustomText.SingleLine = True
    Dim ViewMore As B4XView = PopUp.addLabel("ViewMore2",PopUp.Width - (16%X),20dip)
    Private tf As Typeface
    tf = tf.CreateNew(Typeface.FONTAWESOME, Typeface.STYLE_BOLD)
    Dim fnt As B4XFont=xui.CreateFont(tf,17)
    ViewMore.Font= fnt

    ViewMore.Text = Chr(0xF107) & " View More"
    ViewMore.Width = 120dip
    ViewMore.Height = 35dip
    ViewMore.TextColor = Colors.Cyan
    ViewMore.TextSize = 10

View More Function:
Sub ViewMore_Click(PopUp As BMPopUp, lbl As Label)

    Dim text As Label = PopUp.getCustomViewbyEventName("CustomText")

    If Not(PopUp.isExpanded) Then
        lbl.Text = Chr(0xF106) & " View Less"
        text.SingleLine = False
        Wait For (PopUp.expand(15dip,2)) Complete(R As Boolean)
        Wait For (PopUp.collapse(1)) Complete(R As Boolean)
        lbl.Text = Chr(0xF107) & " View More"
        text.SingleLine = True
    End If

End Sub

PopUp with EditText:

Captura de pantalla_20230210_224557.png
Captura de pantalla_20230210_224606.png

    Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(225,13,51,59)
    PopUp.Position = PopUp.H_TOP
    PopUp.Duration = 0
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_BOUNCEDOWN
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Tag = "Custom PopUp Tag!"
    PopUp.Height = 150dip
    Dim Name As EditText = PopUp.addEditText("Name",30%x,5%y)
    Name.Hint = "Name"
    Name.TextSize = 12
    Name.Width = 200dip
    Name.Height = 35dip
    Name.TextColor = Colors.White
    Name.HintColor = Colors.LightGray
    Name.Color = Colors.ARGB(50,31,99,114)
    Dim LastName As EditText = PopUp.addEditText("LastName",30%x,10%y)
    LastName.Hint = "Last Name"
    LastName.TextSize = 12
    LastName.Width = 200dip
    LastName.Height = 35dip
    LastName.TextColor = Colors.White
    LastName.HintColor = Colors.LightGray
    LastName.Color = Colors.ARGB(50,31,99,114)
    Dim Btn As Button = PopUp.addButton("Btn", 33%x, 16%y)
    Btn.Width = 175dip
    Btn.Height = 35dip
    Btn.Text = "Enter"
    Btn.Color = Colors.ARGB(50,255,255,255)
    Btn.TextColor = Colors.White


Private Sub Btn_Click (Popup As BMPopUp, Btn As Button)
    Dim Name As EditText = Popup.getCustomViewbyEventName("Name")
    Dim LastName As EditText = Popup.getCustomViewbyEventName("LastName")
   Log("Name: " & Name.Text & CRLF & "Last Name: " & LastName.Text)
End Sub


  • Captura de pantalla_20230131_040547.png
    Captura de pantalla_20230131_040547.png
    63.5 KB · Views: 1,549
  • Captura de pantalla_20230131_040605.png
    Captura de pantalla_20230131_040605.png
    73.3 KB · Views: 1,521
  • BMPopUp.zip
    103.3 KB · Views: 502
  • BMPopUp v1.1.zip
    109.2 KB · Views: 455
  • BMPopUp 1.2.zip
    130 KB · Views: 212
Last edited:

Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
For some reason it doesn't matter what I do but the lblContent will not wrap the text and insists on being single line.
If you are trying to create a custom label and its not fit you can try


Also you can try:


Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Just another example how to create a Custom PopUp:

Google Idea:

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-24 173600.png

With BMPopUp:

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-24 174307.png

    Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 90%x
    PopUp.Height = 70dip
    PopUp.Left = 20dip
    PopUp.Duration = 10
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_BOUNCEDOWN
    PopUp.BackColor = Colors.RGB(241, 249, 244)
    PopUp.Border(30,5,Colors.RGB(209, 227, 213))

    Dim CustomIcon As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomIcon",3.5%x,15dip)
    CustomIcon.Text = Chr(0xF058)
    CustomIcon.Width = 32dip
    CustomIcon.Height = 32dip
    CustomIcon.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomIcon.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    CustomIcon.Typeface = Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.FONTAWESOME,Typeface.STYLE_BOLD)
    CustomIcon.TextSize = 16
    Dim CustomIconBorder As ColorDrawable
    CustomIconBorder.initialize2(Colors.RGB(81, 220, 107),100dip,2dip,Colors.ARGB(255,229, 248, 228))
    CustomIcon.background = CustomIconBorder
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",(CustomIcon.Left + CustomIcon.Width) + 10dip,14dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Congratulations!"
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = (CustomIcon.Left + CustomIcon.Width) + 10dip
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD,Typeface.STYLE_BOLD)
    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",(CustomIcon.Left + CustomIcon.Width) + 10dip, CustomLabel.TOP + 18dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Your OS has been updated to the lastest version."$
    CustomText.Width = PopUp.Width * .50
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomText.TextSize = 12
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = True
    Dim CustomCloseButton As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomCloseButton",PopUp.Width*.90,15dip)
    CustomCloseButton.Text = Chr(0xF00D)
    CustomCloseButton.Width = 32dip
    CustomCloseButton.Height = 32dip
    CustomCloseButton.TextColor = Colors.DarkGray
    CustomCloseButton.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    CustomCloseButton.Typeface = Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.FONTAWESOME,Typeface.STYLE_BOLD)
    CustomCloseButton.TextSize = 16


Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello, I will always be posting some examples of the designs that you can make with BMPopUp, the possibilities so far are very wide.

Google Idea
Captura de pantalla 2023-03-27 203935.png
Captura de pantalla 2023-03-27 204239.png

Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 100%x
    PopUp.Height = 100%y
    'PopUp.Left = 20dip
    PopUp.Duration = 10
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_BOUNCEDOWN
    PopUp.BackColor = Colors.LightGray
    'PopUp.Border(30,5,Colors.RGB(209, 227, 213))

    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",(60dip),100dip)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable
    CustomPanel.Background = border
    CustomPanel.Width = 70%x
    CustomPanel.Height = 35%y
    Dim CustomIcon As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomIcon",(CustomPanel.Width / 2)+25dip,(CustomPanel.Top - 25dip))
    CustomIcon.Text = Chr(0xF121)
    CustomIcon.Width = 64dip
    CustomIcon.Height = 64dip
    CustomIcon.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomIcon.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    CustomIcon.Typeface = Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.FONTAWESOME,Typeface.STYLE_BOLD)
    CustomIcon.TextSize = 32
    Dim CustomIconBorder As ColorDrawable
    CustomIconBorder.initialize2(Colors.RGB(0, 0, 0),100dip,2dip,Colors.ARGB(100,0, 0, 0))
    CustomIcon.background = CustomIconBorder
    Dim CustomCloseButton As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomCloseButton",CustomPanel.Width+15dip,CustomPanel.Top + 5dip)
    CustomCloseButton.Text = Chr(0xE5CD)
    CustomCloseButton.Width = 32dip
    CustomCloseButton.Height = 32dip
    CustomCloseButton.TextColor = Colors.LightGray
    CustomCloseButton.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    CustomCloseButton.Typeface = Typeface.CreateNew(Typeface.MATERIALICONS,Typeface.STYLE_NORMAL)
    CustomCloseButton.TextSize = 22

    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",(CustomPanel.Left) + 30dip, CustomIcon.TOP + 100dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Your OS has been updated to the lastest version. Thanks for watch my Library."$
    CustomText.Width = CustomPanel.Width * .80
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomText.TextSize = 12
    CustomText.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    CustomText.Height = (CustomPanel.Height - CustomText.Top)
    CustomText.SingleLine = False
    Dim CustomAcceptButton As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomAcceptButton",((CustomText.Width) / 2)+13dip, CustomText.Top + 80dip)
    CustomAcceptButton.Text = "Subscribe"
    CustomAcceptButton.Width = 150dip
    CustomAcceptButton.Height = 30dip
    CustomAcceptButton.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomAcceptButton.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    CustomAcceptButton.TextSize = 13
    Dim CustomBorder As ColorDrawable
    CustomBorder.initialize2(Colors.ARGB(255,53,110,218),20dip,1dip,Colors.ARGB(0,0, 0, 0))
    CustomAcceptButton.Background = CustomBorder
    Dim CustomCancelButton As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomCancelButton",((CustomText.Width) / 2)+13dip, CustomAcceptButton.Top+ 30dip)
    CustomCancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    CustomCancelButton.Width = 150dip
    CustomCancelButton.Height = 30dip
    CustomCancelButton.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(255,53,110,218)
    CustomCancelButton.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    CustomCancelButton.TextSize = 12
    Dim CustomBorder As ColorDrawable
    CustomBorder.initialize2(Colors.ARGB(255,255,255,255),20dip,1dip,Colors.ARGB(0,0, 0, 0))
    CustomCancelButton.Background = CustomBorder

Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Just another example how to create a Custom PopUp:

Google Example:

Screenshot 2024-04-29 181007.png


Screenshot 2024-04-29 180940.png

Code #1:
Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 98%x
    PopUp.Height = 120dip
    PopUp.Duration = 5
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_SMOOTHDOWN
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_SMOOTHUP
    PopUp.BackColor = Colors.RGB(239, 238, 240)
    PopUp.Left = 1.1%x
    PopUp.Top = 1.1%y
    PopUp.BlurEffect = True
    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Top) / 2)
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,PopUp.Top * Top)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
    CustomPanel.Background = border
    CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
    CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
    PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum"
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 12
    Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
    CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.DarkGray
    CustomLabel2.TextSize = 11
    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
    CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomText.TextSize = 12
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = False

Screenshot 2024-04-29 180652.png

    Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.mView.Top = 50%y
    PopUp.Width = 98%x
    PopUp.Height = 98dip
    PopUp.Duration = 5
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_SMOOTHDOWN
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_SMOOTHUP
    PopUp.BackColor = Colors.RGB(239, 238, 240)
    PopUp.Left = 1.1%x
    PopUp.Top = 1.1%y
    PopUp.BlurEffect = True
    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Top) / 3)
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,PopUp.Top * Top)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,8,1,Colors.Transparent)
    CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
    CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
    PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "B4X Forum"
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 12
    Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
    CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.DarkGray
    CustomLabel2.TextSize = 11
    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Notification"$
    CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomText.TextSize = 12
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = True

Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello, this time I come to you with some news and the new version 1.2

Note: New version 1.2 needed. Not avalible yet.
It will be posted soon!

Function to convert Int to DIP (Useful to improve the sizes of the controls).
IntToDIP(Integer As Int) As Int
PopUp.Height = PopUp.IntToDIP(100 / 50)

New function to add backgrounds with gradient colors:
SetGradientBackground(pnl As B4XView, Clrs() As Int, Orientation As String)

PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")

New style Glass:


Light Background:
    Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 96%x
    PopUp.Height = 95dip
    PopUp.Duration = 5
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_FADEIN
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT
    PopUp.Left = 1.5%x
    PopUp.Top = 15%y
    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Top) / 4)
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,Top)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
    CustomPanel.Background = border
    CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
    CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
    PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum"
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 13
    CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
    Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
    CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(100,0,0,0)
    CustomLabel2.TextSize = 12
    CustomLabel2.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
    CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomText.TextSize = 13
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = False



Dark Background:
Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 96%x
    PopUp.Height = 95dip
    PopUp.Duration = 5
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_FADEIN
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT
    PopUp.Left = 1.5%x
    PopUp.Top = 15%y
    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Top) / 4)
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,Top)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
    CustomPanel.Background = border
    CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
    CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
    PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum"
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 13
    CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
    Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
    CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(160,0,0,0)
    CustomLabel2.TextSize = 12
    CustomLabel2.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
    CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.Black
    CustomText.TextSize = 13
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = False

Other Examples:


Another Example:
Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 96%x
    PopUp.Height = 95dip
    PopUp.Duration = 5
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_FADEIN
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT
    PopUp.Left = 1.5%x
    PopUp.Top = 15%y
    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Top) / 4)
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,Top)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
    CustomPanel.Background = border
    CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
    CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
    PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum"
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 13
    CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
    Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
    CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(100,255,255,255)
    CustomLabel2.TextSize = 12
    CustomLabel2.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
    CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomText.TextSize = 13
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = False


Another Example:

Last edited:

Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, i have an Example how you can Display multiple notifications in a row.



Dim lst as List : lst.Initialize

For i = 1 To 3
        Public PopUp As BMPopUp
        PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp"&i, Me)
        PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
        PopUp.Width = 96%x
        PopUp.Height = 95dip
        PopUp.Duration = 3
        PopUp.isSwipeable = True
        PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_FADEIN
        PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT
        PopUp.Left = 1.5%x
        PopUp.Top = 15%y
        PopUp.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(150,Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))
        Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
        Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Top) / 4)
        CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,Top)
        Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
        CustomPanel.Background = border
        CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
        CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
        PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
        Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
        CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum"
        CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
        CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
        CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
        CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.White
        CustomLabel.TextSize = 13
        CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
        Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
        CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
        CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
        CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
        CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
        CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(100,255,255,255)
        CustomLabel2.TextSize = 12
        CustomLabel2.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

        Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
        CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
        CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
        CustomText.TextColor = Colors.White
        CustomText.TextSize = 13
        CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
        CustomText.SingleLine = False
        'Log(PopUp.mEventName & " Added")
    For Each P As BMPopUp In lst
        Wait For (P.Show2) Complete(R As Object)
        Do While P.isVisible
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Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, another example how you can Display multiple notifications dropdown.

Note: New version 1.2 needed. Not available yet.
It will be posted soon!


Sub Button1_Click
    Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp" & PopUp_List.Size, Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 96%x
    PopUp.Height = 95dip
    PopUp.Duration = 3
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_VERTICAL
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT
    PopUp.Left = 1.5%x
    PopUp.Top = (12%y *  PopUp_List.Size)
    PopUp.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(150,Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))
    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Height) / 4)
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,Top)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
    CustomPanel.Background = border
    CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
    CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
    PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum #" & PopUp_List.Size
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 13
    CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
    Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
    CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(100,255,255,255)
    CustomLabel2.TextSize = 12
    CustomLabel2.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
    CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomText.TextSize = 13
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = False
End Sub

Sub Button2_Click
    For i = 1 To 3
        Public PopUp As BMPopUp
        PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp" & PopUp_List.Size, Me)
        PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
        PopUp.Width = 96%x
        PopUp.Height = 95dip
        PopUp.Duration = 3
        PopUp.isSwipeable = True
        PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_VERTICAL
        PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT
        PopUp.Left = 1.5%x
        PopUp.Top = (12%y *  PopUp_List.Size)
        PopUp.BackColor = Colors.ARGB(150,Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))
        Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
        Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Height) / 4)
        CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,Top)
        Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
        CustomPanel.Background = border
        CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
        CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
        PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")
        Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
        CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum #" & PopUp_List.Size
        CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
        CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
        CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
        CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.White
        CustomLabel.TextSize = 13
        CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
        Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
        CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
        CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
        CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
        CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
        CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(100,255,255,255)
        CustomLabel2.TextSize = 12
        CustomLabel2.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

        Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
        CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
        CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
        CustomText.TextColor = Colors.White
        CustomText.TextSize = 13
        CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
        CustomText.SingleLine = False
End Sub

You can do the same effect with Loops, but it's easier just using the new Show3(WaitTime As Int).

Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello, I am adding some improvements to the glass effect that will be released in the new version 1.2

Having before the mode (LIGHT and DARK) now the mode (DOMINANT) has been added, it basically uses the dominant color behind the notification to give it a more beautiful and aesthetic visual effect.


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Brian Michael

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello everyone,
I just released the new version 1.2 available here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4a-xui-bmpopup-v1-2.145817/

To see the new features that were added to the library, read the previous posts.

One of the new features is the Glass effect in PopUps.

Example of how to apply this effect to your PopUps:


Glass Effect:
Public PopUp As BMPopUp
    PopUp.Initialize(Activity, "PopUp", Me)
    PopUp.Style = PopUp.STYLE_CUSTOM
    PopUp.Width = 96%x
    PopUp.Height = 90dip
    PopUp.Duration = 3
    PopUp.isSwipeable = True
    PopUp.AnimationIn = PopUp.ANIMATION_SMOOTHDOWN
    PopUp.AnimationOut = PopUp.ANIMATION_FLAT
    PopUp.Left = 1.5%x
    PopUp.Top = ((PopUp.Height+1%y))
    PopUp.GlassEffect(120,"Light") '<---- Glass Effect it can be: [light, dark, dominant]

    Dim CustomPanel As Panel : CustomPanel.Initialize("CustomPanel")
    Dim Top As Int = PopUp.IntToDIP((PopUp.Height) * 0.1)
    CustomPanel = PopUp.addCustomView(CustomPanel,"CustomPanel",25dip,Top)
    Dim border As ColorDrawable : border.Initialize2(Colors.Green,5,1,Colors.Transparent)
    CustomPanel.Background = border
    CustomPanel.Width = 40dip
    CustomPanel.Height = 40dip
    PopUp.SetGradientBackground(CustomPanel,Array As Int(Colors.RGB(149, 242, 130),Colors.RGB(94, 177, 65)),"TOP_BOTTOM")

    Dim CustomLabel As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel.Text = "Welcome B4X Forum #" & PopUp_List.Size
    CustomLabel.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomLabel.TextSize = 13
    CustomLabel.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    Dim CustomLabel2 As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomLabel2", (PopUp.Width) * 0.87, CustomLabel.Top - 5dip)
    CustomLabel2.Text = "now"
    CustomLabel2.Width = PopUp.Width
    CustomLabel2.Height = 35dip
    CustomLabel2.Left = CustomLabel.Left - CustomLabel.Width
    CustomLabel2.TextColor = Colors.ARGB(100,255,255,255)
    CustomLabel2.TextSize = 12
    CustomLabel2.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    Dim CustomText As Label = PopUp.addLabel("CustomText",CustomPanel.Left + 55dip,CustomPanel.Top + 15dip)
    CustomText.Text = $"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."$
    CustomText.Width = ((PopUp.Width * .90)-CustomText.Left)
    CustomText.TextColor = Colors.White
    CustomText.TextSize = 13
    CustomText.Height = PopUp.Height - CustomText.Top
    CustomText.SingleLine = False

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