B4A Library B4APhotoPager v3.85

B4APhotoPager v3.80 By Giuseppe Salvi

Author: Giuseppe Salvi
Version: 3.8

  • Properties:
    • FromAssets As String [read only]
      Returns a references to the file added to the files tab. These file are read-only.
    • FromExtSdCard As String [read only]
      Returns image is located on the local file system or external SD card.
    • FromHttp As String [read only]
      Returns image is located in the network.
    • FromHttps As String [read only]
      Returns the image is located in the network.
    • FromSdCard As String [read only]
      Returns image is located on the local file system or SD card

  • Fields:
    • Compress_Format_JPG As CompressFormat
      Compression Format JPG
    • Compress_Format_PNG As CompressFormat
      Compression Format PNG

  • Fields:
    • Accordion As Int
    • BgToFg As Int
    • CardSlide As Int
    • Default As Int
    • DeptPage As Int
    • FadeInOut As Int
    • FgToBg As Int
    • FlipHorizontal As Int
    • FlipVertical As Int
    • HorizontalCube As Int
    • HorizontalElastic As Int
    • RotateDown As Int
    • RotateUp As Int
    • Rotation As Int
    • RotationSquare As Int
    • ScaleBgToFg As Int
    • Stack As Int
    • Tablet As Int
    • Transition_01 As Int
    • Transition_02 As Int
    • Transition_03 As Int
    • VerticalCube As Int
    • VerticalElastic As Int
    • ZoomIn As Int
    • ZoomOut As Int
    • ZoomOutSlide As Int

  • Fields:
    • Center As ScaleType
      Center the image in the view, but perform no scaling.
    • Center_Crop As ScaleType
      Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image
      will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
    • Center_Inside As ScaleType
      Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image
      will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
    • Fit_Center As ScaleType
      Scale the image using CENTER.
    • Fit_End As ScaleType
      Scale the image using END.
    • Fit_Start As ScaleType
      Scale the image using START.
    • Fit_XY As ScaleType
      Scale the image using FILL.
  • PhotoPager
    • Click
    • LongClick
    • MatrixChanged (Left As Int, Top As Int, Right As Int, Bottom As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int, CenterX As Int, CenterY As Int)
    • PageScrollStateChanged (State As Int)
    • PageScrolled (Position As Int, PositionOffset As Float, PositionOffsetPixels As Int)
    • PageSelected (Position As Int)
    • Ready
    • ScaleChanged (ScaleFactor As Int, FocusX As Int, FocusY As Int)
    • AddImage (dir As String, file As String)
      Add an image from sdcard or AssetsDir at the end of the view pager .
    • AddImageAt (index As Int, dir As String, file As String)
      Add an image from sdcard or AssetsDir to the desired position in the view pager.
    • AddImageFromWeb (address As String)
      Add an image from web and from Dropbox at the end of the view pager.
    • AddImageFromWebAt (index As Int, address As String)
      Add an image from web and from Dropbox to the desired position in the view pager.
    • AddView (view As View)
      Adds a view to the page.
      view: View
    • AddView2 (view As View, left As Int, top As Int, width As Int, height As Int)
      Adds a view to the page.
      view: View
      left: Left
      top: Top
      width: Width
      height: Height
    • AddViewAt (index As Int, view As View)
      Adds a view to the specified index.
      index: Page index
      view: View
    • AddViewAt2 (index As Int, view As View, left As Int, top As Int, width As Int, height As Int)
      Adds a view to the specified index.
      view: View
      left: Left
      top: Top
      width: Width
      height: Height
    • BringToFront
    • ClearDiskCache
      Clears disk cache.
    • ClearMemoryCache
      Clears memory cache.
    • DestroyEngine
      Stops ImageLoader and clears current configuration. Use this option on exit app.
    • GetArrayList As List
      Get array from GridView, Gallery, PhotoFlow.
    • GetImageListFromAssets (path As String, sort As Boolean) As List
      Get entire list of images stored in assets or sub-folder
      Dim lv as ListView
      Dim l as list
      Sub Menu_Click
      l = vp.GetImageListFromAssets("Here the Images folder stored in Assets")
      l = vp.GetImageListFromAssets(File.DirAssets)
      l = vp.GetImageListFromAssets("")
      For n = 0 To l.Size-1
      End Sub
    • GetItem (position As Int) As String
      Returns Item
    • GetPageTag (index As Int) As Object
      Get or Sets the tag associated with this views. A tag can be used to mark
      a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within the
      hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view without
      resorting to another data structure.
      index: the index of the page
      tag: return the Object stored in this view as a tag, or null if not set
    • GoToPage (item As Int, smoothScroll As Boolean)
      Get or Sets the currently selected page.
    • Initialize (EventName As String, initializeView As Boolean)
      Initialize the object
    • IsDoubleTapEnabled As Boolean
      Gets double tap from the page.
    • IsFadeEnabled As Boolean
      Gets fade from the page.
    • IsInitialized As Boolean
    • IsLockEnabled As Boolean
      Gets lock from the page.
    • IsPageEnabled (index As Int) As Boolean
      Returns the enabled status for this view. The interpretation of the
      enabled state varies by subclass.
      index: Page index
      Return type: @return:True if this view is enabled, false otherwise.
    • IsPageVisible (index As Int) As Boolean
      Returns the enabled status for this view. The interpretation of the
      enabled state varies by subclass.
      index: Page index
      Return type: @return:True if the view in this page is visible, false otherwise.
    • IsZoomEnabled As Boolean
      Gets zoom from the page.
    • LoadBitmap (Dir As String, FileName As String) As Bitmap
      Loads and decodes image synchronously.
      FileName: Image

      Result image Bitmap. Can be <b>null</b> if image loading/decoding was failed or cancelled.
    • LoadBitmap2 (Dir As String, FileName As String, width As Int, height As Int) As Bitmap
      Loads and decodes image synchronously
      FileName: Image
      width: ImageSize
      height: ImageSize
      targetImageSize: Minimal size for bitmap which will be returned. Downloaded image will be decoded
      and scaled to bitmap of the size which is <b>equal or larger</b> (usually a bit
      larger) than incoming targetImageSize.
      Result image Bitmap. Can be <b>null</b> if image loading/decoding was failed or cancelled.
    • LoadLayout (FileName As String)
      Loads a layout file(.bal) to PhotoPager as a view.
      LayoutFile: Load a LayoutFile created with designer
    • LoadLayout2 (index As Int, FileName As String)
      Loads a layout file(.bal) to PhotoPager to the specified index.
      index: Page index
      FileName: Load a LayoutFile created with designer
    • PauseEngine
      Pause ImageLoader. All new load and display tasks won't be executed until ImageLoader is resumed.
      Already running tasks are not paused.
    • RemoveAllViews
      Removes all child views.
    • RemoveViewAt (index As Int)
      Removes the view that is stored in specified index.
      index: Page index
    • ResumeEngine
      Resumes waiting load and display tasks.
    • SetArrayList (array As ArrayList)
      Set an array passed from, gallery, grid view, cover flow.
    • SetPageBackgroundColor (index As Int, color As Int)
      Sets Background Color to the page.
      index: Page index
      color: Page color
    • SetPageBackgroundImage (index As Int, bitmap As Bitmap)
      Sets Background bitmap to the page.
      index: Page index
      bitmap: Page bitmap
    • SetPageEnabled (index As Int, enabled As Boolean)
      Set the enabled state of this view. The interpretation of the enabled
      state varies by subclass.
      index: Page index
      enabled: True if this view is enabled, false otherwise.
    • SetPageTag (index As Int, tag As Object)
      Get or Sets the tag associated with this views. A tag can be used to mark
      a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within the
      hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view without
      resorting to another data structure.
      index: the index of the page
      tag: set the Object stored in this view as a tag
    • SetPageVisible (index As Int, visible As Boolean)
      Set the enabled state of this view.
      index: Page index
      visibility: True if this view is enabled, false otherwise.
    • SetPanelBackgroundColor (index As Int, color As Int)
      Sets Background Color to the panel.
      index: Panel index
      color: Panel color
    • SetPanelBackgroundImage (index As Int, bitmap As Bitmap)
      Sets Background bitmap to the panel.
      index: Panel index
      bitmap: Panel bitmap
    • SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
    • ShowFromAssets (path As String, sort As Boolean)
      show images from assets or sub-folder not from sdcard.
    • ShowFromBucket (path As String, sort As Boolean)
      Show from media bucket
    • ShowFromMediaStore (sort As Boolean)
      show images from media store.
    • ShowFromSdCard (dir As String, path As String, sort As Boolean)
      show images from sdcard not from assets.
    • ShowFromWeb (webStrings() As String, sort As Boolean)
      show images from web.
    • StopEngine
      Cancels all running and scheduled display image tasks.
      <b>NOTE:</b> This method doesn't shutdown if you set them.
      ImageLoader still can be used after calling this method.
    • SwapView (i As Int, j As Int)
      Swaps the elements at the specified positions in the specified list.
      (If the specified positions are equal, invoking this method leaves
      the list unchanged.)
      i: the index of one element to be swapped.
      j: the index of the other element to be swapped.
    • android.permission.INTERNET
    • android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL
    • android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
    • android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
    • AdjustViewBounds As Boolean
      Get or Sets this to true if you want the ImageView to adjust its bounds to preserve the aspect ratio of its drawable.
    • BackGroundColor As Object [write only]
      Get or Sets the background color for this view.
      BackGroundColor = Color.Aqua
      BackGroundColor = "#88666666"
      BackGroundColor = Colors.ARGB(100,20,20,20) or Colors.RGB(20,20,20)
    • Background As Drawable
    • BackgroundColorRandomly As Boolean [write only]
      Set the Background Color Randomly.
    • CacheInMemory As Boolean [write only]
      Sets whether loaded image will be cached in memory - by default false.
    • CacheOnDisk As Boolean [write only]
      Sets whether loaded image will be cached on disk - by default false.
    • Color As Colors
      Returns one of the Color value in the list
    • CompressFormat As PhotoPagerBitmaCompression
      Get or Sets the known formats a bitmap can be compressed into [ JPG or PNG ]
    • CompressQuality As Int
      Get or Sets the quality of a bitmap, that can be compressed. [ 0 = low -> 100 = high ]
    • CurrentItem As Void
      Get or Sets the currently selected page.
    • DoubleTapEnabled As Boolean [write only]
      Sets double tap to the page.
    • FadeEnabled As Boolean [write only]
      Sets fade to the page.
    • FadeInTime As Int [write only]
      Duration of "fade-in" animation (in milliseconds)
      Whether animation should be played if image is loaded from network
      Whether animation should be played if image is loaded from disk cache
      Whether animation should be played if image is loaded from memory cache.
    • File As Files [read only]
      Return File:
    • Length As Int [read only]
      Returns length.
    • LockEnabled As Boolean [write only]
      Sets lock to the page.
    • MaximumScale As Float [write only]
      Sets the maximum scale
    • MediumScale As Float [write only]
      Sets the medium scale
    • MinimumScale As Float [write only]
      Sets the minimum scale
    • OutlineColor As Int [write only]
      Sets outline color to photo pager.
    • OutlineEnabled As Boolean [write only]
      Enable or disable outline to photo pager.
    • Parent As Object [read only]
    • ProgressBarVisible As Boolean [write only]
      Set the enabled state of this view. - by default is true.
    • ScaleType As PhotoPagerScaleType
      Controls how the image should be resized or moved to match the size of this ImageView.
      by default is Fit_Center.
    • SetImageForEmptyUri As String [write only]
      Sets own icon on loading.
    • SetImageOnFail As String [write only]
      Sets own icon on fail.
    • ShowMessageError As Boolean [write only]
      Set to true if you want to display an error message.
    • Tag As Object
      Get or Sets the tag associated with PhotoPager. A tag can be used to mark
      a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within the
      hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view without
      resorting to another data structure.
    • Top As Int
    • Transition As PagerTransitionEffects
      Get or Sets transition effect
    • Version As String [read only]
      Return Author and Version of the library
    • ZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
      Sets zoom to the page.



  • B4APhotoPager_lib_v2.20.zip
    388.7 KB · Views: 774
  • B4APhotoPager_v3.80.zip
    396 KB · Views: 521
  • B4APhotoPager_v3.85.zip
    399 KB · Views: 723
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
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Hi guys, B4APhotoPager is updated v.150 what' new.


ToggleDoubleTap instead of DoubleTapEnabled

ToggleFade instead of FadeEnabled

ToggleLock instead of PagingEnabled

ToggleZoom instead of ScaleEnabled and ScrollEnabled

fixed ScaleType now work great.

minor bug fixed.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I got this error, please help me :(

** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **


    at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:67)
    at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:95)
    at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:47)
    at java.io.IOException.<init>(IOException.java:44)
    at java.io.FileNotFoundException.<init>(FileNotFoundException.java:42)
    at android.content.res.AssetManager.openAsset(Native Method)
    at android.content.res.AssetManager.open(AssetManager.java:315)
    at android.content.res.AssetManager.open(AssetManager.java:289)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:910)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityM

Message longer than Log limit (4000). Message was truncated.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I got this error, please help me :(

** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **


    at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:67)
    at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:95)
    at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:47)
    at java.io.IOException.<init>(IOException.java:44)
    at java.io.FileNotFoundException.<init>(FileNotFoundException.java:42)
    at android.content.res.AssetManager.openAsset(Native Method)
    at android.content.res.AssetManager.open(AssetManager.java:315)
    at android.content.res.AssetManager.open(AssetManager.java:289)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:910)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityMain.getBitmapFromAssets(PagerActivityMain.java:912)
    at it.giuseppe.salvi.library.core.photopager.main.PagerActivityM

Message longer than Log limit (4000). Message was truncated.

Hi, did U copy the icon from the demo in your assets folder?

or put some icon in your assets folder and call them by:

SetImageForEmptyUri and SetImageOnFail


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I am getting the same error above and yes, the icon is there.
How do I call 'SetImageOnFail' ?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I am getting the same error above and yes, the icon is there.
How do I call 'SetImageOnFail' ?

Hi, store some Icon in your assets folder = your Project and in your project there is a File( Files = assets folder)
and in Activity_Create call example:

vp.SetImageForEmptyUri = "icon.png"
vp.SetImageOnFail = "icon.png"


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi, store some Icon in your assets folder = your Project and in your project there is a File( Files = assets folder)
and in Activity_Create call example:

vp.SetImageForEmptyUri = "icon.png"
vp.SetImageOnFail = "icon.png"

Thanks. I just had to do it before I called init.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Lonleystar, is there any way to increase the image quality of the displayed images even if it slows down the paging between items. I am displaying photos with text that has been overlay onto the original photo and you can tell the image quality is quite low as the text is blurred. Thanks ...


Well-Known Member
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Hi Lonleystar, is there any way to increase the image quality of the displayed images even if it slows down the paging between items. I am displaying photos with text that has been overlay onto the original photo and you can tell the image quality is quite low as the text is blurred. Thanks ...
Hi, the image quality depend of your images it display the images in original size.


Try with scaletype


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Giuseppe. Thank's fot this great library. One question....
I have example 1.30 and library 1.50
whe i compile i have this error :

Parsing code.                           0.00
Compiling code.                         Error
Error compiling program.
Error description: Riferimento a un oggetto non impostato su un'istanza di oggetto.
Occurred on line: 36
vp.ToggleFade = True
Word: =

if i comment this line all work. Any idea ??
Thank you

Ionut Indigo

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Giuseppe. Thank's fot this great library. One question....
I have example 1.30 and library 1.50
whe i compile i have this error :

Parsing code.                           0.00
Compiling code.                         Error
Error compiling program.
Error description: Riferimento a un oggetto non impostato su un'istanza di oggetto.
Occurred on line: 36
vp.ToggleFade = True
Word: =

if i comment this line all work. Any idea ??
Thank you
Hey @MarcoRome,
Just simply write vp.ToggleFade (with no = true/false) if you want the fade transition effect to be enable. If you don't write that code it will be by default disabled.


Well-Known Member
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I like it a lot but my feeling says the diskcache does not work. When I go offline I cannot load images which indicates the cache does not work. Where do you exactly store cache images?

Would be nice to set a cache directory or db.



Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Seems the cache is indeed working. Can I switch off error messages or intercept them?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
The cache stuff works but how can I supress error messages like output error, cannot decode image etc.