iOS Question B4i B4XSwitch_AdjSize example


Licensed User
Longtime User
How do we use the:

B4A Class: B4XSwitch_AdjSize - B4XSwitch with adjustable size​

is there any example available?

I tried, by modifying the XUIViews B4XSwitch code as described in the above B4A Class
But the "size" property does not seem to work for me.
I must have done something wrong

Thank You


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you,
What was not working (for me) was that I updated the XUI views library with your module and tried to call the "size" property => I did not succeed!
The whole issue is that I'm working on a Android/iOS project that needs checkboxes of different sizes . Because B4i does not have native CheckBoxes I'm using Hugh Thomas (Checkbox (for iOS)module to simulate them...

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