B4J Tutorial B4J app for Raspberry with jdk11

This is my shopping list after various installations on Raspberry:

The Runtime for B4J applications for Raspberry differ in the processor version
If ARM version 7 Use Bellsoft-Jdk11.0.23+12-Linux-Arm32-VFP-HFLT-Full.deb
If Arm 64 Bit Use Bellsoft-Jdk11.0.23+10-LINUX-ARCH64-FULL.DEB
To check which is installed, use uname -a

On the Desktop Right button of the mouse

Install packages then insert password and wait for the end.
Copy the jar file compiled to release

in the Object folder under the program path

And of course the external files you need for the menu settings type etc. (setcnn.json)

Place the JAR file in the /Home /Pi folder

Create a file to make the application in the desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=lista da cucinare
Exec=java -jar SagraClientJ.jar



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