Share My Creation [B4J] [MySQL] [API] Server (Key + Token) and [B4X] User Login Apps


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Longtime User
There are no errors reported,
the only message displayed "[{" result ": - 1," message ":" Error-Not-Activated "}]"
The table: "tbl_users_log" contains in the field log_type = "[Not Actived] email", the table "tbl_error" is empty.
If I try to log in, it replies that the user is not active.
How can I force user activation?
Thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
Activation email. You can also append the user activation code from user table to the URL.

For example:

API documentation:


Licensed User
Longtime User
I have just published a beta version. It is not fully tested but should works for sqlite db for Web API server backend. MySQL database is not yet tested.
The client has been tested for B4A and B4J. B4i is not tested.



Licensed User
Longtime User
The server template is now fully functional with MySQL and SQLite databases. All functions are tested with B4A and B4J. If you encounter issue in B4i, please let me know.
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